[forty eight.]

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"CHASE! Just who I was looking for

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"CHASE! Just who I was looking for." Fred exclaimed as he walked up to him.
"You were looking for me? This is weird." Chase admitted.
"Possibly, but I have a question for you." Fred spoke. Chase just gave him a weird look. "What's with the face?"
"This is my questioning face." Chase advised.
"You really need to work on your facial expressions." Fred smirked.
"I know that. Now what do you need to ask me?" Chase queried.
Fred sighed for a moment then looked at Chase.
"When was the last time you talked to Jane Hankel?" Fred asked.
"Jane Hankel! I haven't talked to her in months, almost a year! Besides, why would I want to talk to her?" Chase explained.
"No reason it was just a test." Fred spoke.
"You're weird George." Chase exclaimed.
"Chase." Fred said.
"Yeah?" Chase queried.
"I'm Fred." he said with a laugh.
"Oh! Well you're weird Fred." Chase spoke.
"WHY do you think Lisa Turpin did it?" Ellie asked.
Anthony Goldstein sighed and put his quill down.
"No one knows Ellie. And I don't think anyone wants to talk to her." Anthony explained.
Ellie looked at Lisa Turpin who was sitting by herself in the back row in charms.
"I still feel awful. I mean yeah what she did was wrong but still not everyone has to hate her." Ellie exclaimed.
"I suppose but we should probably get back to the lesson-."
"Shut up Anthony!" Flitwick shot.
"Ellie started it!" Anthony protested.
"Anthony, please don't lie, that's a very bad thing." Flitwick spoke.
Anthony's jaw dropped in shock and Ellie laughed.
The bell rang and it meant that it was time for potions.
"Does Flitwick have something against me?" Anthony queried.
"Anthony, almost everyone has something against you." Ellie exclaimed.
"Wow, that's a good thing to know." Anthony muttered.
The two started to walk to potions but then Jane walked towards them.
"Careful Ellie, you wouldn't want Fred to get jealous." Jane spoke.
"Shut up Jane." Ellie shot.
"Aren't you forgetting about the information that I have?" Jane queried.
"What do you want?" Ellie asked.
"Oh nothing I just like having something against you." Jane smirked.
"Why are you such an arse Jane?" Anthony shot.
Jane glared at him.
"Oh please you're pathetic why do you think Flitwick always tells you to shut up." Jane said.
Anthony scoffed at her.
"You know Jane, one thing I'm glad about is that you're finally showing your true colors. And I'm glad we aren't friends anymore because if we were I would still think you were a good person." Ellie said.
Jane just stood there and Ellie and Anthony started to head to potions.
"Wow I didn't know you had that in you." Anthony admitted.
"I didn't either." Ellie admitted.
"ELLE!" Fred yelled as he ran into the great hall.
"Hey." Ellie greeted.
Fred quickly sat down next to her.
"Okay so Jane hasn't told Chase anything." Fred exclaimed, panting for air.
"Yeah I know that you didn't have to run." Ellie laughed.
Daphne and Blaise walked up to the table.
"What's up with lover boy?" Blaise queried with a smirk.
"Nice to see you too, Zabini." Fred said.
Blaise had found out they were dating in a second he just waited for Ellie to tell him. However it was Chase. The poor boy can't keep a secret.
"You look awful." Daphne exclaimed.
"Thanks Daphne." Fred shot.
"My pleasure." Daphne replied, and sat down next to Ellie.
"Chase is sitting next to me today." Ellie explained.
"Then where should I sit?" Daphne asked.
"Please don't make me sit next to him." Daphne groaned.
"Please don't make her sit next to me." Fred protested.
"Sit next to each other." Ellie smirked.
Blaise just went to sit next to Luna who started telling him about nargles.
"Why do you think Jane hasn't said anything?" Fred queried.
"Isn't it obvious she likes having power over anyone." Daphne spoke.
Then Cedric Diggory walked up and Ellie noticed he was out of breath.
"Is there a marathon that no one knows about?" Daphne whispered and Ellie chuckled.
"Ellie, I need your help." Cedric spoke.
"Get in line!" Fred shot.
"You don't need any help." Ellie exclaimed.
"I know but it felt so fun to say that." Fred smirked.
Ellie just rolled her eyes and looked at Cedric.
"What's wrong?" Ellie queried.
"Later I need you to help me with something. For the third task." Cedric advised.
"Okay." Ellie spoke. "Is that all?"
"I have just one question." Cedric admitted.
"What?" Ellie shot.
"Have you guys told people you were dating?" Cedric asked.
"If they find out they find out." Ellie said.
"Yeah, we were going to tell people but then that whole Adam and Rosie thing happened." Fred explained.
"So you guys wouldn't mind if I told anyone?" Cedric queried.
"It depends." Ellie spoke.
"Okay, what if I screamed so the whole great hall could hear?" Cedric questioned.
"Are any of my siblings here?" Fred asked.
Cedric looked around and shook his head.
Ellie looked around to make sure Brandon or Rosie were there.
"Okay go ahead." Ellie spoke.
Daphne quickly covered her ears.
"Fred Weasley and Ellie Smith are dating!" Cedric yelled.
The great hall looked at him for a moment in silence and Cedric had a big smile on his face.
Then Mad-eye Moody tapped Cedric in the shoulder. Cedric looked at him and gulped.
"If you're going to yell, do it outside." He shot, then patted Cedric's back.
"Do you know one thing that's shocking?" Fred spoke.
"What?" Ellie asked.
"How Angelina and Lee aren't there." Fred exclaimed.
"Oh, well Lee is probably with Brandon." Ellie said.
Fred just nodded.
Then Colin Creevey walked up to Fred.
"Hi Fred! Is it true that you two are?" Colin asked with a smile.
"I don't know? Hey Elle, are we dating?" Fred asked.
"I suppose so." Ellie replied, then held his hand.
"You two make me sick." Daphne shot.
"Daphne, I enjoy your humor very much." Cedric laughed.
Colin grinned and took out his camera.
"No pictures." Fred shot.
Colin nodded then ran back to the Gryffindor table to sit next to his brother Dennis.
"That kid is something." Fred said.
Then Chase walked in.
"There you guys are, I've been looking for anyone for forever. In fact I lost Fred, he just took off!" Chase explained.
"I think he got scared because of your face." Daphne smirked.
"No! He got scared because of your face!" Chase shot.
"He's sitting right next to me." Daphne  said.
"Probably against his will." Chase shot.
"Wow Chase you came up with a decent comeback. I'm impressed." Daphne admitted.
Chase just smiled and sat next to Ellie.
Brandon walked in and walked over to the Ravenclaw table.
"The weirdest thing happened in the hallway. I heard muffled yelling and the only thing I heard was Fred."Brandon exclaimed then looked at Fred.
"Did you bother someone or something?" Brandon asked.
"No Cedric just had issues." Fred muttered.
"Thanks Fred." Cedric shot.
"Oh okay that explained a lot." Brandon said then sat down. "Hey Daphne are you going to eat those?" Brandon asked.
"Yes." Daphne shot.
"CEDRIC you can do this." Ellie exclaimed.
"No I can't hit you with a spell like that!" Cedric shot.
"You act like it's one of the unforgivable curses." Ellie shot.
"It's unforgivable to me!" Cedric exclaimed.
"Cedric all you're doing is the leg locker curse!" Ellie spoke.
"But I can't do it on you!" Cedric exclaimed, then ran his hair through his fingers in frustration.
"Cedric, what's wrong?" Ellie asked.
"I can't win this." Cedric muttered.
"Cedric you're being ridiculous." Ellie said and walked over to him.
"No I'm not! I finally got a chance to represent Hufflepuff and show pride and I haven't even made it in first place!" Cedric exclaimed.
"That's not true, you and Harry tied." Ellie explained.
"Whatever. I already know I'm going to lose what's to point in trying." Cedric muttered.
Ellie just patted him on the back.
"Do it for the people you care about." She spoke.
"ROSIE, I love you and care about you but that's not going to change the fact that I've had enough with your boy drama!" Brandon shot.
"Brandon I just need advice!" Rosie exclaimed.
Ellie and Cho were watching as the siblings started fighting. Ellie was trying to read her book Emma by Jane Austen. And Cho was trying to knit something.
"Look I get that but you can't keep running to me and Ellie all the time when one minor inconvenience happens. I know you like Chase but you can not tell him! You have hurt that boy a lot and I know you didn't mean it but you still did! So I apologize if I'm not acting very sincerely. All I am trying to do is tell you to stop coming to us for all of your problems. I don't need to hear most of them. Yes I am your brother and I love you but I can't handle this anymore Rosie. You have been hurting boys for a long time. And if you hurt Chase I don't think I could forgive you. Mainly because Chase is the most pure soul on this earth!" Brandon remarked.
"Brandon you are blowing this whole thing out of proportion!" Rosie shot.
"Am I? So you're going to deny that you dated Jake Baker for months even though you fell out of love with him. You're going to deny that you fooled around with Jake just for fun. You're going to deny the fact that you dated Adam while you like Chase! No, I am not blowing this out of proportion." Brandon scolded.
Rosie scoffed.
"Ellie help me out here!" Rosie said.
Ellie looked up from her book that she was pretending to read and sighed.
"Look Rosie I'm sorry but he does have a point." Ellie replied.
Rosie just took a deep breath and Ellie could tell she was holding back tears.
"Fine! I'll just be in the corridors wondering how I got stuck with such arseholes for siblings!" Rosie yelled, then stormed off.
Cho watched and then looked at the siblings.
"I should check on her." Cho exclaimed, and ran out of the common room.
Brandon sighed and sat next to Ellie.
"Do you think I was too mean?" Brandon asked.
"No, but I guess I understand both of you and what your points are." Ellie admitted.
"I just think I should relax." Brandon said.
The portrait swung open and it revealed Fred Weasley.
"Hey Elle the portrait gave an easy riddle so I just walked in." Fred exclaimed, then walked towards Ellie and saw a confused look on Brandon's face.
"Why was Weasley waiting for you outside?" Brandon asked.
Fred and Ellie looked at each other and Ellie sighed.
"Well Brandon this may be shocking but I have a social life." Ellie shot.
"Wait, can I come with you guys?" Brandon asked.
"No." Ellie and Fred shot in unison.
"You two aren't fun, you guys should just date now." Brandon muttered.
Fred laughed and Brandon gave him a look.
"Why did you just laugh?" Brandon asked.
"Oh Smith, you're so clueless." Fred said.
"Whatever." Brandon shot and laid down on the couch.
As the two walked out Fred looked at Ellie.
"How does he not know?" Fred queried.
"In his defense, actually I can't really defend him. Sometimes he's as clueless as Chase." Ellie explained.
"Sometimes?" Fred queried.
"Most of the time." Ellie replied, then held his hand. "So do any of your siblings besides George know?" Ellie asked.
"Well I wrote a letter to Bill and Charlie, and then they ended up telling mum and dad. Which led to me getting a very long letter from my mum." Fred explained.
"Isn't that great." She spoke sarcastically. "Are your other siblings noticing?"
"Ron's been in a mood practically all year and Ginny seems a bit intrigued." Fred explained.
"That's good." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah, I think we need to tell Brandon and Rosie though." Fred told her.
"I really want to, but Brandon and Rosie are in a fight right now. So I think it would be best to tell them separately." Ellie suggested.
"So I tell Rosie and you tell Brandon?" Fred asked.
"Do you want to?" Ellie asked.
"Elle, your brother would claw at my face. I think Rosie is the safer option." Fred exclaimed.
"Okay. Well, should we get to what we were going to do?" Ellie asked.
"Of course." Fred replied.
Then Cedric ran up to the two.
"Ellie, I need your help!" Cedric shot.
"Wow no, hey Fred I didn't see you there! How's it going? Am I interrupting something?" Fred shot and Cedric glared at him.
"Hi Fred." Cedric spoke.
"Hi Cedric." Fred replied with a smile and Ellie rolled her eyes.
"Cedric, do you think it can wait?" Ellie asked.
"Chase knows." Cedric said.
And that was all that needed to convince Ellie.
"Fred, I'll see you later." Ellie spoke.
Fred nodded and then just gave her a small kiss on the cheek and then Ellie started to walk away with Cedric.
"Who told him?" Ellie asked.
"Who else? Jane, she caught up to him on his way to the library. He's sitting there in shock luckily I bribed Daphne into staying with him." Cedric exclaimed.
"Why was Daphne in the library?" Ellie asked.
"I've been tutoring her a bit in charms, she understands it a lot more now." Cedric answered.
"Wow, she finally got a tutor." Ellie said with a smile on her face.
"You better wipe that smile on your face." Cedric spoke.
Then he opened the door to the library. Luckily she saw Daphne and Chase sitting at a table in the back so many people probably won't hear. Ellie walked over to the table quickly and Daphne looked up and let out a sigh of relief.
Daphne shook Chase quickly.
"Hey dummy Ellie's here." Daphne spoke softly. Which was shocking because Ellie had never really seen Daphne act this way with him. It was almost like deep down she knew Daphne cared about Chase. However Daphne probably didn't want to admit it.
Chase looked up and saw Ellie and smiled.
Cedric then walked up next to Ellie.
"My god did you realize that you were running?" Cedric complained.
"Nope. Chase, how are you?" Ellie asked.
"Stressed." Was all Chase could say because Rosie had just walked in.
He grabbed his bag and quickly walked out into the hall.
Cedric started to head towards the door but Ellie touched his arm.
"I'll do it." Ellie spoke, then followed Chase and found him sitting against the wall.
Ellie gave him a smile.
"Hey." Ellie said softly.
Chase looked up and gave her a small smile.
"I'm probably overreacting." Chase said.
Ellie smiled and slid down next to him.
"You're always overreacting." Ellie smirked.
Chase just looked at Ellie.
"Why does your sister have to like me now?" Chase queried.
"I don't know, she can't control how she feels Chase." Ellie spoke.
Chase sighed and leaned his head on Ellie's shoulder.
"I miss when things were simple back in first year." Chase muttered.
Then Hannah Abott walked past and saw the two of them.
"Is everything okay?" Hannah asked.
Chase looked over and gave her a smile.
"Yeah thanks Hannah." Chase thanked her.
"You're welcome." Hannah replied with a smirk.
Ellie looked over at Chase.
"I don't miss our first year that much." Ellie admitted.
"Why not?" Chase queried.
"We were still friends with Jane. We didn't know Daphne or Blaise well and we hadn't met Luna yet." Ellie explained.
"True but it would've been fine without Daphne." Chase protested.
"We both know you're lying." Ellie said.
"Okay fine Daphne's okay." Chase admitted with a smile.
Ellie then looked him straight in the eye.
"I know one thing for sure though." Ellie said.
"What?" Chase asked.
"We'll always have each other." Ellie exclaimed.
"Yeah. We will." Chase replied, then he hugged her.
Ellie knew one thing at that moment: her and Chase will always have each other and nothing would change it.

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