I was on my way to the locker room joking around with Skyler. I talked to CIndy and John last night when they got home, they were both suprised that I wanted to join the squad, but ok with it.
Cindy was extatic, she took me shopping for a whole new wardrobe and we had some bonding time, while they may be my new foster parents Cindy's more of an older sister type.
I was suprised we actually had a lot in common. I said bye to Skyler and Amy said bye to Jake and we headed into the female locker room to get changed for practice.
Today was a pretty uneventful day, I found out I had a couple classes with Skyler and his brother, since this school rotates on A and B days, I have Biology with them on B days and gym, Calc, and English with them on A days.
I asked him why I din't see them yesterday and he said they had to do some things, I didn't question it, I also have a few classes with the other people that sit at the table too. I also haven't seen bitchy all day, and i found out her name was actually Alexis.
Were were done changeing so we headed out to the gym, we both had on matching blue sports bra's and black soffes. I laughed at her when I noticed, " We're matchers," I said while smiling.
She looked down at herself then at me, "Nice, we're twinnies today!" I just laughed at her as she bounced up and down. She had a lot of energy. "Alright ladies today we're practicing our cheer for the pep rally friday, its the first game of the season and its against the Middleton Mad Dogs," Erin called out to everybody.
We all got in formation and started running through it.
"That's a rap, good job today girls, if we keep going like this we'll be ready friday!"
"Oh my gosh," I grabbed Amy for support, " Do your thighs hurt as much as mine right now?"
"Deffinently, I'm shaky, but we did look good."
Skyler clapped comeing over to me and I stuck my tongue out at him. The boys had come through the gym about a half hour ago since they're practice was done. They all changed but a couple came back out to stay and watch, including liam, Skylers brother.
Probably to watch Alexis, I thought bitterly. No, I scolded myself, i never get hung up on guys, it doesn't work that way.
"Good job out there girly," Sky said rubbing my head. I pushed his hand away scoffing, "Don't touch the hair braw," I smiled while pulling my hair out of its pony tail. I ran my hands through it a couple times and shook it out.
"So a couple of us are going out for burgers and you're welcome to come newbie," Skyler invited me.
"Hmmm, as tempting as that sounds, I don't think I can be seen with someone with such a low status as you," I said in a whiny tone and turning away from him. I flipped my hair so it hit him in the face and walked over to Amy.
Amy was laughing and I was just smiling trying not to laugh, "Yeah okay," I squealed as Skyler picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, he started running out of the gym towards the car park. Amy and Jack trailed after her both laughing.
"Noooo, don't help or anything,' I yelled at Amy.
Liam's P.O.V.
I growled when Skyler took off with Ricki, she was MY mate, not his. But she wouldn't even look at me today, I don't know what I did wrong. Everybody else just laughed and followed them, I did too but i was just making sure he wouldn't do anything.
I got outside as Skyler drove off in his dark blue hummer with Ricki in the front, she looked like she was laughing. I was fuming, and my wolf wanted to tear it's way to the surface, "Hey Liam, dude, what's wrong?" craig walked over to me and asked.
"Nothing," I replied, let's just go to the diner. We both hopped in my car and rode to Jane's Diner, it's this little place thats been around our town for generations. Right now it's owned by Jane Meater, it has stayed in her family forever and when she dies it'll be passed on to her daughter Molly.
Jane's like fifty, but she's a smart ass, it's actually really funny when you talk to her.
I pulled in next to my brothers hummer and put the car in park, i had an Ashton Martin Vanquish. This car is my baby.
We got out and went in, they must have pulled to tables together, because Amy is sitting on the end with jake, and Skyler is sitting next to Ricki on one side and there's a seat open next to her, and on the other end of the table Erin and Brent were sitting next to eachother.
Then there was Alexis and Andrew, Craig went and sat beside Alexiz leaving the seat next to Ricki open for me, perfect.
I went and pulled the chair out next to her and sat down, she was looking at something on my brothers phone and laughing with him. It made me angry how she just liked him and talked to him, but didn't even spare me a glance.
I pulled out my phone and just checked facebook.
Ricki's P.O.V.
We all ordered what we wanted and were just sitting around talking, Liam had sat next to me and I had known it the entire time.
I can't explain but every time he's near me it's like my body just becomes super aware of him. I looked over at him and was checking his Facebook.
"Really," He looked up at me, "Facebook's dead."
"Facebook's amazing," he said smiling at me.
"Really now?" I questioned.
"Yeah you sit around and waste time, get poked by people you don't know, and write on walls. Just like jail," he said joking with me.
I smiled at him, "Crappy joke."
So the rest of my night went like that, everybody goofed around and we all laughed. I even ended up talking to Liam a bit. He was actually pretty funny. At the end of the night we all went our seperate ways, Skyler took me back to my car and then I went home.

Won't you play with me;) *EDITING*
Teen FictionRicki Moore is an orphan. She gets moved into a new foster home with her two new foster parents Cindy and John. They're a relatively young couple, both being only 25. Ricki's a wild child, a loose cannon, and a delinquent. At least that's what the s...