Chapter 46 - Wedding

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"Loki, what do you mean?" I asked.

"We're getting married today." he said with a wide smile.

I hugged him for the nth time today, happiness swelling in my chest. I can't believe this man. What did I do to deserve him?

"Where...? How?" was all I could say.

"I took care of everything, a maid will be here shortly to do some slight work on you and I will be waiting in the throneroom." he said, kissing me softly then he left.

I sat there in front of my vanity table, staring into my happy self. Moments later, a maid came in and she started applying Asgardian makeup on my face. It was a simple look, nothing too fancy.

"You look wonderful, your highness." she said timidly.

"Oh, no. I'm not a royal. And thanks for the help." I corrected her.

"I was one of the children you saved years ago during that raid before you were exiled." she said, looking down.

"I'm happy you're doing well now," I said, feeling emotional for being remembered by someone I had saved back then.

"We must go, Lady Ella." she said. She went behind me to take care of the long trail of my gown which I didn't even notice. Loki must have changed it.


I took deep breaths as we neared the throneroom. The huge golden double doors were closed. Two guards were posted outside, and when they saw me approaching, the got ready to open the doors for me.

The maid gave me a beautiful set of flowers to hold and when I was in front of the doors, they opened it.

My jaw almost dropped at the sight of the venue. Green and golden drapes adorned the windows, each side of the aisle was lined with green flowers on top of white columns. There was a golden arc adorned with emeralds just in front of the door.

I stood there, eyes glued on the man at the end of the aisle– Loki. He looked regal in his Asgardian ensemble of green and gold, his horned helmet casting a shadow that contoured his face nicely, making his sharp features stand out. The look in his eyes was drowning, at best, because it was full of so much love.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present Lady Ella," the announcer said and on cue, the orchestra started playing a soft melody. I marched down the aisle, not too slow and not too fast.

Thor stood in the middle, offering his arm to me which I gladly took.

"So this is what you were up to." I whispered. He shrugged and said, "Anything for you and Loki." with a big smile.

"Thank you, Thor." I sincerely said.

"When you get to the front, be sure to look to your left." he said.

I was almost there and Thor had let go of my hand by now. Loki extended his, which I accepted as I stood beside him. Following what Thor had said, I looked to my left and I almost cried seeing everyone in the Avengers tower. Frigga, Odin, Thor, and Heimdall were on the right.

"You brought them here?" I tearfully asked Loki.

"It would be a crime not to," he said smiling, wiping a tear then offering me his arm as we turned our back on the audience to face the presiding officer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Asgardians and Midgardians, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Loki, son of Odin, and Ella, daughter of Gerda," the presider started. "Before we proceed, should anyone wish to express their dissent towards the union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Everyone was silent. The presider proceeded with the ceremony, moving on to the part where Odin and Frigga were to give their blessings.

They came to us, Odin declaring "I hold no objection to this marriage, and in so doing, I bless the couple with hopes of love and prosperity." He turned towards Loki and in a very long time, I saw Odin look at Loki with pride.

Loki was now teary eyed, and I smiled at him to let him know I was proud of the person he had become, too.

"Please exchange your vows," the presider said, handing me a ring that was to be given to Loki.

Loki and I faced each other, he spoke first saying "I've been known to be the trickster, god of mischief, the only jotun amongst a sea of Asgardians, but while everyone saw that, all you ever saw in me was Loki. I'm glad to have found myself and my peace with you, and it makes me the happiest man alive to be able to build a home, a family, with the one person who believed in me when nobody else did. This goes without saying, I'd burn the nine realms for you, darling."

My tears streamed down my face as Loki recited his vow. Who would have thought we'd be here? After everything we went through, this was it– he was officially mine and I his.

"You've been a friend, someone I could count on before I could even say a word. Our story took a lot of detours to get to where we are now. But in all that time, I loved you. I always have, and always will. You're my trickster, my god of mischief, my jotun. But most importantly, you're my Loki, my husband, the father of our child. This also goes without saying that I'd let the nine realms burn if it were for you."

As I recited my vow, my eyes never left his. Loki was also in tears. I took his hand and placed the ring on his finger.

And he kissed me, in front of all of Asgard. Our first kiss as husband and wife.

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