Get What You Deserve

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The Flash and Robin stood outside Wally's house, after zeta-beaming nearby and speeding there.

"Do you think he's home?" Robin questioned glaring at the old house.

"There’s only one way to find out." Flash grumbled approaching the door and unlocking it. Hearing any speedster talk in such a dark and unforgiving tone is one of the most surreal things to even imagine, but there was no holding back on the rage inside of Barry right now.

The two heroes entered looking around the living room for Wally’s father, but their eyes kept being drawn to the drying blood that filled one section of the floor. Robin sighed and was about to comment on the blood when he was cut off by a vicious yell from the kitchen.

"Is that you boy?" the voice was slurred and hardly understandable. Robin and the Flash's heads snapped to the noise, they knew exactly who it was. Flash zoomed in to the kitchen and Robin followed soon after. The sight that met Robin's eyes was the Flash pinning Rudolph down to the kitchen table, holding the drunks head down and his hands behind him. Flash lent down and practically spat in Rudy's ear, "As a hero, I've seen this before… But I never would have imagined someone in my family tree would do it. Iris always said you were bad news."

"What th' hell are you talking about!" the drunk shouted, each word coming out of his alcohol coated mouth sounding somewhat wobbly. He struggled furiously in the Flash's grip trying to get away.

Robin stepped forward and stared Rudy in the eyes. “We are talking about what you did to Wally."

Rudolph's right eye twitched as he seemed to remember something, "That damn brat didn't clean the floor! Wait till I see him again, I'll-" He was cut off as Flash yanked the older man up and pressed his forehead to his, staring daggers at him.

"You will never see Wally again.”

"He's my goddamn dumb shit of a son. You can't take him away!"

"Just watch me," Barry hissed as he threw Rudy to the floor, the collision made him grunt in pain.

Robin loomed over the man lying on the floor "You think that hurt? Think about what Wally went through." Robin began to deliver powerful punches to Rudolph’s chest and face. The boy wonders eyes filled with tears ever so slightly as he hit, thinking about all Wally's father had done to his best friend, and thinking about why Wally hadn't told him what had been happening. Robin continued to beat the man and Flash watched until Rudolph began to cough up a blood; then The Flash pulled Robin off the drunk. "Why'd you stop me?" Robin protested angrily, still wanting desperately to let Rudy have a taste of his own medicine.

"I can't let you continue." Flash said solemnly, "We are heroes, not murderers."

"But-!” Robin began but the words died on his tongue. He blinked away a few tears and then said, in such a broken voice “Don't you want to make that bastard pay?"

"Yes I do-" Flash picked the older man up off the floor by his collar, blood dribbled from his mouth. Barry seemed to examine the wrecked state the man was in before he punched Rudy in the face, knocking him out and sending him flying across the room clashing with part of the kitchen counter, "-I just have to control myself slightly. Now we've got to take him to the Watchtower for medical treatment and questioning."

Robin sighed, "Fine, fine… he'll be in jail forever after this; and I'll make sure of that." with that, the duo left carrying the passed out man.

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