04 | rendezvous

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"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for hacking you last week

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"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for hacking you last week." — alexia ortega


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A THROBBING PAIN IN HER SKULL WAS WHAT THE TEEN WAS GREETED WITH UPON WAKING UP IN A STRANGE PLACE. The last thing she remembered was failing their mission of retrieving information on Cobalt and then being compromised and then... the explosives. All those poor people hurt, or worse, and for what? Then Alexia remembered being pushed from the blast before the last of the Kremlin burst into flames. It had been Ethan.

Oh crap! Ethan!

Where was he? The girl lurched upwards in a panic, her eyes darting around frantically in search of the man. The first thing she noticed was that she was in a hospital as the familiar blinding white lights caused her to wince upon opening her eyes. Screams and moans of the injured echoed down the corridors as victims of Cobalt's bomb were rushed into care. Nurses and Doctors rushed about, their arms brimming with medicines, bandages and all sorts of supplies to give aid. They truly had their work cut out for them.

But where was Ethan? Or Benji? Or Jane? There was no one there. She was all alone again.

Alexia groaned as she sat up on the hospital bed and rubbed her throbbing head with the palm of her hand. Whipping her head around, she searched desperately for the man that saved her life. He was right beside her when the bomb went off, so he had to be here. He just had to be.

The teen glanced down at her body and scanned her limbs for injuries. Small cuts littered the exposed flesh on her hands and her legs, there were small flecks of dried blood on her palm from the clump around her head. It was stuck in her hair around the wound but she didn't have the time to get it out. She had to find Ethan and the team. Swinging her legs over the side, she planted them firmly on the ground but as she went to take a step forwards, her knees almost gave way under her. It took Alexia a few moments to regain her footing then she grabbed her bag that was at her beside and hurried out of the room.

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