Chapter Twenty-eight

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Hallie's POV

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I was still stuck with my sad excuse of parents.

I know I shouldn't think about those type of things, but what if...

What if this was all some dream and I would wake up to my parents and their horrible words and violence?

I would've never met Niall.

Or Calum.

Or any of the others that I loved dearly.

Never in a million years did I think that I was going to get away from my so-called parents.

Never did I ever think that at some point in my life, I would actually feel love.

That people would love me for who I am.

I was once a person who read books to try and escape reality.

To pretend I was a different person.

I was once known as "The Social Outcast."

Books helped me in a time where no one was helping me.

Now I didn't need books.

Because now I had a family that loved me.

I had a support team.

I had something that books would never be able to replace.

I had love.

And that was all I would ever need.

The End

Oh my goodness, what an unusual couple of months it has been while trying to write this.

Thank you for all of the support you have given me.

I have almost deleted this book over a million times, yet I saw all of the amazing encouragement and knew I had to keep pushing through all of the insecurities and indecisiveness.

I love each and every one of y'all to pieces!

More books to come!

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