Mitch sighed. Everyday it was the same thing, he'd wake up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. He grew so tired of this, all he wanted was a change.
Then he saw him at work one day, the one. Mitch knew his order by heart. One slice of strawberry cake, at 9 in the morning, everyday. Mitch was puzzled, however, as to why the bacca only ate the cake, and left the icing on the plate.
Today, Mitch was going to confront him. At least, after he checked the order for his name....
“Why so cheery, Mitch?" His coworker Ty grinned, tying his pink apron behind his back.
“Is Adam coming today?" Mitch quickly changed the subject, motioning to the apron. Ty only wore his “Kiss the Waiter" apron when Adam came.
“Yes." Ty said, scowling, not finding Mitch funny.
“Never mind." Mitch sighed. Ty was a bit of a scene kid, hair covered his left eye. He was a good match for Adam, Mitch supposed, Adam's cheeriness making up for Ty's foreboding “I-Will-Stab-You-In-The-Spleen" aura.
Mitch tied his own plain black apron on, not one for the frilly pink one Husky'd gotten him as a joke. He hurriedly went to the back, reaching for the receipts.
“9 am, Jerome Aceti, strawberry cake, €1.50." Mitch murmured under his breath.
“Mitch, it's time to start." Ty poked his head in the door, leaving when Mitch nodded.
Mitch sighed, going out to wait tables.
“Two large coffees, bacon and scrambled eggs, with a side of coffee cake?" Mitch asked the young couple for affirmation. “You're order 24."
As Mitch was walking back up to the front desk, the bell attached to the door rang, and he stepped in. Jerome.
Mitch rushed into the kitchen, bumping into Ty.
“Ty! Canyoutakeorder24formethanks!" Mitch pushed the sheet of paper into Ty's hands, then raced back out to take Jerome's order.
Mitch had rehearsed what he was going to say all morning, but when he saw the bacca sitting at the table, obviously waiting to be served, it all just flew out of his head.
“ListenyoucomeinhereeverydayandyoualwaysorderthesamethingbutyouneverfinishitandIwakeupevermorningtomakethosecakesdoyounotlikemycooking?" Mitch pushed all the words out of his mouth, hands flat on the table.
Jerome seemed surprised at the young waiter yelling at him. Mitch was flustered, face red. Jerome smiled sheepishly, pointed teeth overlapping his bottom ones.
“I order the cake as an excuse to see you everyday."
Mitch stood there, face growing even hotter. He'd just yelled at a customer, who had wanted to see him everyday? That made him wish he'd put more effort into his hair this morning.
“I...don't eat the icing because I'm allergic to fish oils."
“W-We have cakes without fish products, if you'd like to try those." Mitch rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks fading to pink.
“I'd like to try that, thank you. May I try it with you?" Jerome grinned.
Mitch's face was on fire again as he nodded.

Short StoryCollection of One-Shots I occasionally write! No specific fandoms/ships, and I will take requests! (*indistinct mumbling*)