Chapter 1

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— Ethan Winters...

A stern female voice rang out. It was as velvety as the curtains in the main hall, it fell on ears like a melody, but at the same time it was so firm and dissatisfied, breaking out like a bolt from the blue.

The hard click of  the heels became more distinct with each step, making flinch a little. Everything inside was vibrating so much and it was unclear from what.

A man in his 30s was sitting under the table, holding a knife in his hand and his breath. What he could do with this pathetic thing is unclear. He was out of ammo and, as luck would have it, it wasn't inside the castle either. Finally, he saw the hem of the beige dress spreading slightly on the floor. Silk fabric, framing the outline of her figure... Especially her thighs and buttocks. And it was a woman who looked to be in her 40s, although in fact she was probably over 100. Three meters and a wide-brimmed hat...

She is attractive for such a tyrant. A reasonable tyrant...

Ethan slowly raised his eyes to look at Dimitrescu, who was pouting her scarlet lips, squinting.

— If I find you, there will be no mercy,— with that, she quickly moved on, opening the doors and ducking to pass through the doorways.

And how could a castle like this not have had higher passageways? For a three-meter-tall woman like her, it's hard labor, constantly leaning back and forth.

As soon as she left, he quickly got out from under the table and ran in the opposite direction upstairs, where she had come from earlier.

What was he looking for, anyway, and how could he avoid getting caught by her three daughters?
Ethan quickly sprinted forward, trying to be unnoticed, but there was a problem...

Someone here has a keen ear. Although he was adept at making his way through rooms, opening and closing doors, he couldn't avoid the main problem: the three witches scurrying around. They are the main obstacle for Winters. And it seems that Dimitrescu herself is not so terrible, she can somehow be avoided and you remain unnoticed, but this will not work with the witches.

- Are you running away?! — a mad girl's voice rang out from the side. Ethan turned and spotted one of them. Bela, the blonde girl, quickly darted towards him with the help of turning into a flock of insects. Winters tried to run the other way, but was ambushed. Two others came up to him, blocking his path. The man only frowned slightly and tried to threaten them with a knife, but Bela knocked it out of his hands.

— It was the most pathetic attempt to scare us with a toy!..

The mad laughter of the three girls filled the entire corridor. One of them, with redder hair, cut his ankle, significantly damaging the tendon. Ethan screamed in agony as he fell to the floor. He looked at who must have been his killers with a look of resignation. The guy tried to crawl back, but the strength was simply not enough to resist somehow.

— There you are... — the voice said again.

The girls parted to let the tall lady pass. Dimitrescu looked at the victim with a grin and grabbed his chest with one hand.

— You've given me and my daughters a lot of trouble, — there was a hint of disdain and annoyance in her voice

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— You've given me and my daughters a lot of trouble, — there was a hint of disdain and annoyance in her voice. Fingers outstretched, she used her razor-sharp claws to swing. — Your last word, pathetic.

It took a couple of seconds for any voice to come from him.

— Do it...

The smile on the woman's face disappeared, she was used to being begged for mercy, and not just pushed to finish what she had started. Alcina frowned and gave him a little shake:

— What do you mean „do it" ?

— That's what it means. I lost. Just do what you wanted to do.

But Alcina was silent, looking at the man. No wonder she was very puzzled by the unusual behavior of the victim.

— And you won't even fight for your life?

— What's the use of it? For what? I don't have anyone. All the people I loved were killed. What should I live for? My wife... My daughter... Everything is gone...

Dimitrescu was silent, her hand at the ready. Her daughters watched the scene impatiently, like hungry hyenas, hissing and prodding her into action:

— What are you waiting for, mother?! Come on! He's just pushing for pity!

— He is lulling vigilance!

Alcina was silent, looking into the man's eyes. Her hand slowly lowered, and her claws slowly grew back, but she did not dare to tear her gaze away, as if she was expecting a trick.

And he didn't beg her for anything. No mercy, he was already ready to die, having lost all sense of existence. It feels like he's found her weak spot.

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to look at her. But all this punishment was somehow delaying. He dared to take a peek, then opened the second eye.

— What are you waiting for?

Dimitrescu was silent, standing stock-still. Is there any reason to spare him? And why wasn't her hand working? She is a merciless monster, a terrible tyrant. Why not just kill him on the spot and get it done? But Alcina couldn't. Then something lurched inside her, something cracked, and made her dead heart tremble. They both locked eyes. That look was so insistent on her part, as if she was trying to get the truth out of him.

«You're really putting my guard down, you bastard.»

«I don't even dare», — was the answer in Ethan's eyes.

The seconds were already turning into minutes, and Alcina let go of him, throwing him to the floor. The girls, like hungry tigresses, were ready to rush at him, but the tall lady put her hands to the sides, ordering them to stop.

— No.

— What?! Mother! — The brunette expressed her complete indignation at Alcina's actions. — You never told us not to mess with the victims!

— I said „no", — the woman snapped sternly and firmly.

Ethan looked up, casually realizing how pathetic his 1.80 was compared to her. He didn't even try to get up. For some reason, it seemed to him that this was not the end.

Dimitrescu looked at the three girls and shook her head, telling them to leave. 

Through all the bickering and dissatisfaction inside, the girls left, glaring viciously at the man.

Winters watched them go, then looked up at Alcina again. He let out a barely audible breath, trying to ease his labored breathing. Alcina looked at him with a cold look in her eyes. The facial features expressed a mixed feeling. They weren't crazy, but they weren't sympathetic either.

— What a pity... — she finally whispered.

The woman grabbed Ethan by the scruff of the neck and pulled him along. He didn't even hobble with his feet, considering the ankle was injured.

God only knows where she's taking him...


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