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Y/n POV:
I've been locking myself in my room in a few weeks. And honestly I looked horrible at the moment. I didn't eat nor drink I just cry and cry all day and all night. "Aish why does my life needs to be cruel, first I lost mom and dad, second my best friend turns her back against me and now my boyfriend cheated on me. What's worse will come to me now." I said and grab my hair while crying...

Jungkook's POV:
"Jungkook-ah wake up! We have a dance practice today" it's probably Jin hyung "5 more minutes hyung" I said and grab the blanket to cover my face.  "Jungkook, if you don't wake up now, I will throw all of your banana milk." "No please don't do that" I said while sitting up. "ok now get up and get ready. We will be leaving in a few minutes." "Ok hyung" with that I head to the bathroom and get ready. I just wore a simple jeans and top it with some sweater and I bring some extra clothes since I know that I will be sweating a lot. I get down and saw all of them eating. I went to the dining room to eat as well. "Hey Jungkook, so when are you gonna introduce us to your girlfriend?" Yoongi hyung said "Hyung you already know I don't have any." "Aish you should be like us, smooth like butter." Jimin hyung said while laughing, they continue laughing, then I noticed that Jin hyung and namjoon hyung are nowhere to be seen. "Wait hyungs, where is Jin hyung and namjoon hyung?" "Ohh the two lovebirds? They already went to practice. But we waited for you so we can have breakfast together" Yoongi hyung said while feeding hobi hyung. We finished eating so we head to our cars to go to the dance practice. Well we have a little bit of problem I sat in between of Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung. "Aish Jungkook can we change a sit, I want to cuddle with Jiminie" taehyung hyung said, I rolled my eyes and get up so we can change seats. Well yes you read it right basically all of my hyungs are already taken. Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung are a couple, suga hyung and hobi hyung as well and lastly V hyung and jimin hyung is a couple. That leaves me being single as af. After a few minutes we arrived at the dance practice studio and we start to practice...

Y/n POV:
I wake up and looked at the clock "ohh it's 6:00pm, I should probably eat dinner now." I lazyly went up the bed and wash myself and I just wear a simple white shirt with a jeans and some sweater on top I also put my hair on a messy bun. After that I went downstairs and wear my sneakers. I went outside and felt the cool breeze hit my skin, "it's been really awhile since I went out." I continue to stroll around and I really admire the beauty of Seoul it's kinda sad that I keep on locking myself in a room. After a few walks the smell of ramen hits my nose and it makes my stomach grumble. "I should probably eat here." I went inside the restaurant and ordered a bowl of ramen and I continue eating it.

*After eating*
I went outside and stroll for a bit and somewhat I arrive at the park. I sat on a bench to rest. I saw some couple being lovely and some family having a nice picnic. "I wish I could also have a family like that. Unfortunately I have no one beside me." I sighed then I looked at my side and found a couple kissing I went closer since it seems familiar and I instantly regret it because I saw Jackson and Sana kissing each other. I then run and run while crying I don't care about what people think I just want to cry my heart out. Then somewhat I enter a bar. I went inside so I can drink away this feeling.

Jungkook's POV:
We finished practicing and I looked at my phone to check the time and it was 9:00pm. Then my phone rang..

*Phone call*
"Jungkook-ah, can you come here at my bar you know to help me about some stuff."

"Aish seriously Yugyeom, why me?! You know I have practice today and I'm hella tired!"

"Please Jungkook bambam is busy today please I really need some help. Promise I will treat you a drink today."

"Aish fine you better give me a drink"

"Thank you jungkook your the best!"

*Phone call ended*

While my hyungs are busy packing their things... "Hyungs! I will just help Yugyeom at his bar. I will come home after that I promise." Then I sprint away then I heard Jin hyung shout "yah you brat your always at the bar you want to have disease or something! I will seriously kick your balls when you come home by the morning!!" I then take a cab and went to the bar..

Y/n POV:
"O-one m-more soju please" I said. I started to get tipsy now. The bartender give me a drink again. While I continue drinking. And somewhat I passed out

Jungkook POV:
I came at the bar. "So Yugyeom what's the problem?" Then Yugyeom looked at me and pointed on something I looked at it and I saw a girl who is totally passed out with so many soju bottles infront of her. I looked at Yugyeom confused "so what am I going to do?!" "I don't know take her home or something!" "I don't even know her you asshole!" "Well I don't want her to sleep at this bar there are so many perverts around" I start to think "do you perhaps check her phone?" I asked "she doesn't have a phone nor a wallet" I face palmed myself. Then I called Namjoon hyung.. The line continue to ring and I'm getting anxious every moment. Then he answers

*Phone call*
"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hyung it's me Jungkook, I kinda need your help"

"About what, it's nearly midnight Jungkook!"

"Hyung so I went to Yugyeom's bar right, so basically there is a girl who passed out here after having so many drinks but we can't send her home because she has no cellphone nor some identity card."

"Then bring her here at our dorm"

"Is it ok?"

"Just don't let her stay here until morning"

"Ok hyung thanks!!"

"Please do enter at the back door because Jin hyung is at the front door ready to whoop your ass"

"Thanks hyung you can go to sleep now!"

*Call ended*

"Ok I will bring her to the dorm" "thanks jungkook your the best!" "You better treat me!" He nods and I put the girl carefully on my back while I went to take a cab.

*At the dorm*

I enter at the front door since I can't really carry her at the back door I'm so tired. After I open it I saw Jin hyung with a hanger on her hand. But he was shocked when he saw I'm with a girl. "Who's that?" He said while whispering "I saw her at the bar passed out namjoon hyung knows about this." He nods then I went upstairs and carry her towards my bedroom. I lay her on the bed I was about to went out when she speaks "I thought I will be over you but why does it hurts" she said, I tucked her in and I turn off the lights and went out "maybe she is heart broken" then I went at the sofa to sleep.

To be continued...

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