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After 2 days Ash woke up in the professor Oak's lab. As soon as professor Oak saw him awake, he asks "Ash my boy how do you feel?" He answers " Professor thanks for helping me and don't tell my so friends and my so called mother I am alive." This surprises the professor and when he why .Ash explains the whole incident. Professor Oak was angry ,but he said "My boy you shouldn't tank me you should thank Gary and three other as they only brought you here.

"Where are they professor ?" Ash asked the professor. He answered "They are in the rach with Gary".Ash then got out of the bed and with the help of the professor he walked out to the ranch.

When he opened the door to see Gary and the others who saved him he was surprised as it was his Kalos gang The Luminous gym leader Clemont , his sister Bonnie and his love the girl who cracked his dense shell Serena . As soon as when they of them saw Ash, Clemont, Bonnie and Gary hugged Ash. They all said in chorus "We are happy that you are alright". Ash's Pokemons gave their happy cry after seeing their trainer was alright. After the 3 released their hug Serena tackled Ash to the floor and started to cry on his shirt."Hey Serena I'm alright please don't cry ,I..I can't see my angel crying." As he said these everyone around including Serena was shocked when he called her an angel ,she also blushed and tried to hide by hugging Ash. "Guys how did you know that I was attacked ?" Then Clemont started to speak:

2 days before

Luminous city gym , Kalos region

Suddenly Greninjia appeared with Squishy and Z2 inside the gym."What happened Greninjia , Squishy and Z2 ? Do you need anything?"asked Clemont as he could see the three were worried." Well Clemont you see Greninjia felt that Ash was attacked and asked us to check on him . When we checked he was attacked but he is severely injured and unconcious .So it is good you go and check on him Greninjia will be accompanying you . You should leave immediately to save him"said Squishy. Clemont on hearing about this quickly called Bonnie and his dad and said about what Squishy had told him . Bonnie was in tears as she considered Ash as brother. While the siblings were getting ready to go to Kanto they received a call from Serena."Hi Clemont "said Serena in the call." Hi Serena it seema you have reached Honnen safely and what is the reason to call all the sudden ? " asked Clemont." Well I reached Honnen safely,but I feel something wrong happening to Ash can you call him and see if he is alright"asked Serena in concern. When Clemont said everything to Serena she was in tears and said she will come to Kanto to find Ash.

End of Clemont 's flashback

"Thank you guys for coming in search of me "said Ash ."Ashy-boy who attacked you and why?" Gary questioned.Then Ash explained everything to his true friends. The four of them along with Ash's Pokemons were angry. Then Gary spoke " This is the reason why Delia had sold her house and went somewhere .Oh no Ash your achievements and gym badges are with her " with concern. " Don't worry Gary my gengar and esspur had taken every of my belongings and it is safe here. When Gary saw his grandfather, professor Oak nodded.

Then everyone ate their breakfast, Ash's friends and Pokemons could see his sorrow . The sun was setting Ash and Serena were alone , watching the sunset then both of them at the same time said " Ash / Serena...

            To be continued...

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