Chapter 12

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A/N: I Really really Like Rice


"Finding this fun huh? He has no sense of Danger at All... Who cares BLACK SPEARS!"

Jalter says As she Smirks and Spawns Black Spears With Flames at the tip

As the Spears launch As they Went so Fast that it Destroys the Ground and the Spears tried to stab him

"Y'know Jeanne Alter It really is Disapointing"

As Y/N Trows a Hand sigh as the spear reaches him it stop

"Haha! Hey! Jeanne Alter I was wondering if this Spears touches me what would happen?"

Y/N says Sarcastically as Suddenly he hears a Light sound

"Sound Huh?"

Y/N thinks as Flames Erupted from the ground as a Large Explosion Occurred

As Y/N Lands in a Tree Branch as he looks at the Destructive power Jalter did

"*WHISTLES* Sending those Spears at me while Creating a Cignal that Only The Spears Can only react to! Clever girl"

As Jalter Sprints to Y/N as She holds out her Hand and Flames Erupted from it as she goes to Y/N as He slams her Hand on his Head as Flames covers Y/N head

As Jalter went behind him as She Place Her Spear on Y/N Back


As purple Flames Erupted at Y/N back as It Created and Explosion and path of Destruction envelops The Cliff

As Jalter Believing She's won as she Smirks

"Damn Gilles was Overreacting this man was just all talk and no fight"

As Jalter turns around as she walks away  but it is Interrupted by Y/N voice

"*COUGH* *COUGH* Don't you know Smoking is Bad... Jesus *COUGH*"

As Y/N wipes all the Smoke Away as he Coughs as if Nothing Happened shocking Jalter


Jalter ask Calmly

As Y/N Chuckled

"Easy... Your Attack simply Didn't Reach me..."

As Jalter get Irritated as she Tightened her grip of her Flag

"What do you mean it didn't reach! I felt my Attacks Land on you!"

Jalter says

"Well I was saying... You've just Touch the infinity Between us allow me to Demonstrate!"

As Y/N puts his hands up and Waves at Jalter Slowly Taunting her

"C'mon c'mon Here Let's hold hands Here cmon"

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