Final Arc - Chapter 44: The duel of Corroding Spirits

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The truth of Saku had been exposed, he was the Saku of the altered Future the one who had lost all he had. Ventus was under the influence of his greater power, his body showing signs of weakness as small jolts of pain hit his body and bruising formed while the Future Saku just looked unkempt and neglected

Ventus looked angry, panting slightly "so...that's what's really been going off this whole time. This great warrior and family man who we thought fell off the deep was you, the Saku from the broken future"

"Broken only for brat" Saku repeated coldly "I will repair it you'll see, you're the only obstacle in my way"

"Yeah good luck fixing a broken timestream the hell are you even here!? You're Dead! That's the ENTIRE reason your children went to the past!"

"And yet here I am, to find everything stolen from me. MY family, life, love everything! I'm here to get it back, claim it all back"

"By doing whatever it is necessary? Including trying to do away with your own daughter?"

"I told you she is dead"

"Really? Or is that the lie you convinced yourself of, you stupid pig-headed hypocrite!?"

Ventus anger was easy to hear "You who claim to have had everything stolen from them, moaning about it even, is doing the exact thing to everyone else!? Even they're own family?"

"So what!? I'm not allowed to reclaim what's mine!? What was stolen from me!?"

"Not the point" Ventus said "Of course you have the right to be pissed off, as would I or anyone else...but to inflict that same pain on everyone else, because its okay to do so, sorry mate but...that's just selfish. 'I feel pain so its okay to inflict it on others?' Coming from you, you of all people who was rejected have got no right"

"Spare me your theatrics"

" the poor pathetic wreck who held anger from been abandoned?" Ventus near shouted "Who has now Abandoned the SAME family who supported him and those around him for his own selfish goddam reasons!? And know who you are!? This isn't what Anastasia or your children want!?"

"SHUT UP!" Saku bellowed angrily "SHUT UP!!! I didn't come this far! To be lectured by people on morals, especially of all you. You useless replica of the real thing"

"Better to be useless than heartless and a hypocritical coward!"


"So...if you're here? Where's the actual bonehead we've been fighting!?"

"None of your business brat! ENOUGH!"

Saku's body tensed, his aura emerged but of a cold red and yellow and poured around him with a liquid vapour "I won't...let all I've done become in-vain. I will win...and reclaim what was mine! No-one will stop me, not anyone, not those interfering Rulers or you! You fake useless replica!" Saku charged in, fist clenched "I'll deal with you...and then those delusional fools who can't see the truth! Including those misguided girls claiming to be your family!" Ventus's anger peaked, a distinct pressure in the air as he caught Saku's charged punch even though he had no power around him.

Saku felt Ventus was firm, holding his fist " going to be very explosive now" Zarla said rubbing her face

"Ye...yeah...Saku might've pressed a button" Lunafreya said as thunder boomed in the sky "Even the Valkyr can sense the anger from the apprentice"

"Even my wings are quivering from the frustration I feel" Aeron said folding her arms "This man might've lost much...but he has allowed his own goal to erode any self-worth or pride he may have"

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