The Office + Announcement I forgot to make a month ago

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Every time I hear someone's phone ring during rehearsal, I just think of that one scene in The Office when Andy's phone rings while he's on stage, so they all badly improvise. "ThE bIrDs ArE sInGiNg LoUdLy." "Silence your...bird." "That bird was in my pocket the entire time!" "I've killed it!"
That episode is way too underrated. It's so funny! (It's season 7, episode 3, btw. Andy's Play.)

Anyway, since I mentioned rehearsal, yeah, I'm in a show. I meant to announce it when I first got cast, but then I was super busy, so yeah, I delayed it. Anyway, we open in a week. The show is Woody Guthrie's American Song. It's based on Woody Guthrie's life, travels, and songs. (Woody Guthrie was a folk singer, most known for writing This Land Is Your Land.) (He's also the one with the guitar that says "This machine kills fascists".) The show is super fun, and the songs are great! It's so nice to be acting again. I really missed it.

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