Chapter Twelve

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I never knew the real meaning of chatterbox, until I met her. Louisa Harries.

She has been rambling on about how betrayed she's feeling for what seems like hours but in reality it's only been 10 minutes.

I sat next to Belle, who was busy apologising to her bestfriend who is sitting across her while I just sat there listening to them.

Yes. I decided to stay because they're having a small gathering where some of her friends from the academy are coming to met her. But the main reason why I stayed was, Louisa said and I quote, 'You know what Belle? Senior Link is coming too! I remember, he use to have a crush on you,"

And of course, how can I leave my wife alone with that crushy boy who is going to get crushed by my hands if he try anything funny.

"So you're Nikolai Ivanov," she asked for the thousandth time and I nodded.

"Listen buddy," she said as she leaned in and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Hurt her once and I'll break you into two pieces. Let me warn you, I was the best boxer from the academy,"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Your good at threatening. I'll like to hire you to threaten some stupid people," I said sarcastically and she roll her eyes at me.

She was about to say something but stop when some people entered the café.

"Gabby, Senior Link, we're here," she yelled as she waved at them. I turn back to see two guys and one girl coming towards her. They look no older than 23. One has a blonde hair whereas one of them has a messy brown hair and the girl. . . . well I could only say that she look like plastic.

I observe them as the walk towards us.

"Stop glaring at them, Nick," Belle hissed at me as she pulled me by my arm.

"I wasn't," I frowned at her.

"Rosy?" A voice said making her smile at whoever the fuck was behind me. I turn back to see that guy with the messy brown hair smiling at her.

"Senior Link,"

"You have changed alot within one year," he exclaimed while showing off his teeth making me want to break them.

"Sad. Can't say the same. Your still the same as the day we last met," she replied with a genuine smile. She never smiled at me and here she was smiling at him. That also not a polite or fake smile but a real one.

His eyes fell on me and he frowned but covered it up with a polite smile. "And who might he be?" He asked looking towards Louisa with a smirk. Now, don't tell me he thinks I'm that crazy woman's boyfriend.

"Senior Link, met my husband. Nikolai Ivanov," she said and he looked at her with shock expression while the other one gasped and the girl checked me out, licking her fake lips.

"And Nick," she turn towards me. "This is Senior Link and Gabriel,"

I stood up towering over all of them as they look between me and Belle.

"I thought you and Henry. . . .?" The blonde guy said as he scratched his head in confusion.

"We broke up," she replied with a blank expression.

"Well nice to meet you Mr. Ivanov," the Link guy said as he streched out his hand.

"Like wise,"

"I'm Gabriel. Nice to met you Mr. Ivanov," he said and smirked at Belle who was glaring at him.

"And I'm Natasha," the girl said as she streched out her hand and I turn towards Belle who took her hand in hers giving it a firm shake.

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