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I tip toe into the house, shutting the door behind me slowly. This feels like my teenage years; going out with my friends and returning in the evening to an angry mother because well- it'd be past curfew.
I honestly couldn't help it, I live dangerously like Christian said.

My father is in the living room, watching the news over a cup of coffee.

"Hey," I sit adjacent to the couch he's seated in.
"Oh, hello. You're back from your journeying. Your mother has been looking for you. We'll be having the Kagans over. At this point they might as well live here," he chuckles to himself.

I sure hope not.

"Day in, day out we get visitors left and right," his lips bend in a frown, bringing the cup to his lips.
"That's on you and your wife," I murmur, to which he turns to me and all I do is shrug.

"Is Ima home?" I hear my mother from the kitchen.
"I am," I pat my dad on the shoulder and leave,joining her in the kitchen. Noni is also there, helping out with preparing supper.
"Eh eh, is that jersey not too big?" she looks at the hoodie with a hint of disgust.
"It's not to me," I put my hands in the pockets of Christian's black hoodie.
"And since when do you wear Leeds merch,hm?" Noni looks at me mischievously.

I mouth a 'shut up' at her before turning to my mother.

"James is coming, I don't want you going to your room as if he doesn't exist, Ima. That nonsense should stop," she huffs, taking the bowl of diced bell peppers to the saucepan on the stove.

"Explain why all this is happening,mama. Why am I here? Why are the Kagans frequently visiting,hm?"

This is getting suspicious but all too obvious at the same time. I bet there isn't even a meeting to discuss anything at this juncture.

"They're family friends ,you know that ," she responds uninterested, stirring the contents in the pan like what I just asked carries no weight.
"And so does that mean they have to visit all the time? What, you want them to live here?"
"Ima," Noni gives a warning glare.
"Mama?" I call at her to answer.

"They have important business for us and you're jeopardizing it with your behavior!" she says with rage, walking away from the sizzling sounds on the hot plate.
"I beg your pardon," I am taken aback- my behavior is jeopardizing their business?

"I've been constantly pushing you to do something that you can easily do without me having to ask. James getting to know the town you live in, going out with him- simple texting, I have to beg you to make effort!" she yells.
"What for? He can do that without me he's not a child," I state the obvious.
"You're not going to embarrass me, Imani. You're not going to embarrass me. I refuse to be embarrassed by you in front of the Kagan family," she growls.

"This is useless," I give a lifeless chuckle, my hands falling at my sides. It's pretty clear at this point that my mother will not admit to forcing things with James and I. This whole charade is useless-pointless at that.

As for this 'business' of theirs-

"They're here," Noni's eyes are on her phone before laughter is heard from the living room.
"Go change out of that hideous thing you have on," my mother demands.

"Dad," I walk into the living room the following morning, "are you always by yourself here?"
"You could always keep me company, you know," he smiles up at me.
"Did mum just leave?"
"Yes, ladies at church again,"
"Every two days? What is happening there?"
"Charity maybe?" There is a short pause.

"I need to ask you something," I sit down.
"Yes?" He turns to me.
"I'd like to have a friend over for dinner,"
"Ok?" He looks confused.
"Dad, you and mum always talk about wanting to be happy and wanting me to be happy and I too want to be happy," I suck in a breath, "And if this doesn't convince you enough then I don't know," I sigh.

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There's another long pause,then he finally speaks.

"And what do I tell your mother?"
"That we're having a visitor?" I suggest,my voice now almost a squeak.

He gives a small smile, his eyes on the Moroccan style carpet before looking up at me.

"I've heard you. I'll see,"

"He said what?!"
"Doesn't matter anymore, you just get into these," I push a hanger to his chest, a white dress top neatly set on it.
"This makes my tattoos stand out though," Christian nods.
"You're right, hmm I'd have loved that...ok let's try something simpler,"
"How about I just find something for myself, hm?"he places the hanger back in the closet,pulling out a pair of dark dress pants along with a tan blazer and a black turtleneck for contrast . It's not what he'd normally put on, but I love the pairing.

"Nice pick," I admit.
"Thank You," he grins, " and to top it off; the Chelsea boot."
"I love what you've got going on here," I smirk, pulling him closer to kiss his cheek.
"You don't see this often because I'm a hands-on man, but here it is," he lays the articles on the bed, walking off to freshen up.

We're finally doing this. I take a deep breath at the thought.

Inhale happy thoughts... exhale negativity.

"Ma Noni," dad calls from the kitchen.
"I'm outside," she responds, crouched by the backyard garden.
"We're having a visitor tonight. We'll have fried rice and chicken stew, prepare with rotis  on the side and green beans if possible," he walks back in the house.

"Auntie, are we going to play trucks today?" Gabe beams at me.
"Yes, but for a little while. We need to have supper," I smile down at the little boy, walking with him to the play room.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I sit with him and I quickly take it out.

"Sweetie, let's go to the door," I pick him up from the ground,passing the living room.
My dad sees me and raises his brows, knowing it's probably his cue to go get my mother.

"Hey," I have the biggest grin plastered on my face. He stands there handsome as ever in the attire he put together, which clings to his body so perfectly. His hair is in a relaxed low bun, his cologne luring me in. I know we'd be kissing by now but no, we're at my parent's home.

"Auntie, who is this?" Gabe looks innocently at him.
"My man," I whisper to him, but loud enough for Christian to hear.
"Hi, my name is Gabriel," he smiles cheekily.
"You have an amazing name, Gabriel. I'm Christian," he lowers himself to Gabe's eye level, his pearly whites in full view courtesy of his grin.
"I'll take that," I point to the gift bag in his hand when he blocks me.
"It's best if I hold on to this," he winks.
"Oh okay," I lift my free hand feigning surrender, "come in."

Noni appears and then approaching slowly, a surprised look on her face.

"You must be Christian," she smiles, shaking hands with him before taking Gabe from me, "I'm Noni,"
"Pleasure to meet you," he nods.

My father walks in next, I'm surprised he isn't scowling but looks jovial - it's actually creepy low key.

"Dad I'd like you to meet Christian Greear," the air feels dense as I take a breath, my father looking up at the tall figure before shaking hands with him.
"Nice to meet you,young man,"
"It's a pleasure,Mr Yané," his voice is deep yet charming- and this man has manners!
"Please, come sit," they walk to the living room when my mother walks in, dead in her tracks at the sight before her.

"Oh, darling," my dad gestures to her, " come meet our visitor,"

She looks a confused but goes over to greet him. I have a feeling my dad didn't tell her that Christian is the white guy she refers to when she'd yell at me over the phone but she's probably put two-in-two now.

"Christian Green," my dad introduces.
I quickly look over to Christian twitches, a snicker dancing on his lips.
"Pleased to meet you, Mrs Yané," he stands with an outstretched hand to greet, she doesn't take it.
"Nice meeting you. No need to shake hands," he smiles either way, moving to the gift bag.
"I brought a gift, I didn't want to come empty handed," he hands it to her with both hands.

My mother stands there, gesturing to my father so he takes it instead.
This is very awkward, put off much?

"Thank you for the kind gesture, Mr Green," my dad smiles down at the bag.
"Greear," I correct him, watching his lips form an O.
"Supper is ready," Noni announces, and we all walk to the dining room, my parents ahead of Christian and I.

"This should be interesting," Christian whispers, lacing his fingers with mine.

Christian at the Yanés?! Thoughts?
Anyway, it's a short chapter but I will be bringing more updates, especially since the spotlight is now on the parent's reaction to Christian's visit.

On another note, thank you so much for voting and commenting on the earlier chapters. I appreciate each person that voted and commented so far it warms my heart♥️ s/o to y'all!🎉

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