Sent to the Past

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(Thank you to the wonderful killer_bitches fer requesting! Hope you enjoy!)
(TWs; possible eating disorder, trauma, looking at past self, slight gritting of teeth, )


I rot away in my hobbit hole as I sulked in the darkness and anxiety. I listened quietly as the clock on the wall ticked, letting me know I was still alive.

I looked at the door as someone knocked, letting themselves in.

"Hey, Tommy." I flinched at the person's words, looking them in their face.

Tubbo and Ranboo stood in the doorway, Micheal in Ranboo's arms.

"I came to get some stuff you took awhile back."

I lowered my pointed ears, feeling the hope drain from me. "Do you.. think you can stay awhile?"

"Of course we can-" "Sorry Tommy, we have unfinished business."

Tubbo looked me in the eyes, pushing the fact away that he had nothing to do all day.

Ranboo looked at the shorter, confused. The taller male seemed to look forward to hang out with me, but pushed it aside as Tubbo had.


I look in the mirror, it had cracks everywhere from rage- and being trashed.

When I was exiled, everyone trashed my house. Nobody seemed to care, because they didnt visit. I held my baggy red cardigan close to my heart, clutching the side of the sink with the other hand.

This was the last gift I was given by Tubbo before my exile. I refused to wear it then- but now it's my only safe space.

Tears streaked down my face as I gritted my teeth slightly, looking angrily in the mirror.

I clenched my fist and raised it high, bringing it down with force onto the mirror.


I sat up quickly, looking around. I breathed heavily as nothing looked familiar to my present world.

Everything looked normal- in complete pieces. Before Wilbur blew L'manburg to smithereens.

I scanned my surroundings, feeling scared for my life as I didnt know what had happened to me. Last thing I remember is punching my mirror on its final life, then black.

"Tommy! Hey-" I turned to see a group of people.

Nikki, Wilbur, Tubbo, Fundy, and many others from L'manburg sat there- confused by my presence.

"What are you wearing? You're supposed to be in uniform." Wilbur looked down at me, scowling slightly.

"I- ..I.." I couldnt muster the words to tell them that I'm not their Tommy.

"Sorry. I'll go change."


Dream stood before us, the 'Manburg VS Pogtopia was finally happening.

"Thie is for the land."

Schlatt smirked and looked at me, making me sink back. Though he seemed slightly taken back on how I acted, he straightened himself out quickly.


It's been hours. Hours of me avoiding explosions and arrows being shot at me. Techno was on their side now.

I screamed out and collapsed onto the floor, confusing multiple people around me. The Withers weren't even charged yet- and I was already screaming.

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I regained my balance and booked it for the forest, running past the trees and craters in the ground.

♡3rd POV

Dream growled and booked it after Tommy, pulling his sword out to attack the boy.

He hadn't seemed the best, though everyone pushed it aside. He had multiple people following him, some from 'Manburg, some from Pogtopia.

Though they all seemed slightly worried about the boy.

They approached him in a clearing, he was collapsed on the ground again- clutching his heart.

He could be heard sobbing, rubbing and scratching at his face violently. "Tommy!"

Tubbo called out to the boy, making him look up in complete and raw fear.

He locked eyes with Dream, making the color drain from him. "Tommy?" Dream's voice rung out through the now quiet forest- though interrupted by the youngers sobs and screams.

"I'm sorry Dream! I'll never do it again- I promise! Just take it- all- it-!"

He started to empty his inventory, leaving bloody handprints on some of the items.

Dream will admit- he feels sympathy for the boy. This is something he normally wouldn't do- unless it was Sapnap or George. But he felt obligated to help the younger.

"Tommy- can you tell us what's wrong?" The younger shook his head violently, falling to his side.

Sapnap and George rushed over, pulling the boy up and sitting him again the tree. They sushed and rocked him back and forth, now most people from battle were standing in confusion.

"Tommy! Suck it up and tell us!" Wilbur shouted through gritted teeth, marching over to the boy and picking him up by his suit. "You're holding up the revolution!"

Tommy lifted his fist and went for the jaw, sending the taller British man back. He stood up shakily and wiped the tears from his eyes, staring directly at Wilbur.

He scowled and walked away to the ruins of the country he and his older brother once built.



I sat in the middle of a tiny crater Technoblade had created with his Withers. Everything had passed by, and Wilbur was still mad at me.

But I could care less now- it's not like he ever cared.

I sighed and lifted my legs to my face, listening to the ocean that sat not too far from my resting space.

I heard the crunching of rocks beneath peoples feet as they approached my crater, calling out my name.

"Hey," I turned and saw Fundy, Nikki, and Tubbo- looking down at my lanky self.

I stood up and hopped out of the crater, standing next to them.

They were all shorter than me now, obviously. I've grown since I've last been in this era- and I've grown a lot.

I was nine when my first war started- yet I was pretty much pro at that time.

"Hey Tommy. Can we talk awhile?"


♡3rd POV

"What's happened to you?!" Fundy screamed at me as Tubbo and Nikki shook behind him.

I had started to lash out once they started to push their questions about my reaction earlier.

"I told you Fundy- that's none of your current business!"

"And it is in the future?!" He lashed out back, putting me under more pressure than I had already been.

"JUST SHUT UP FUNDY! I'M GLAD QUACKITY HAS TRAUMATIZED YOU- FORCING YOU TO JOIN LAS NEVADAS!" I pushed past him and stormed from the community house- making everyone stare at me.

My form was fucked- I had a hunch back and you could see my spine, ribs, and just almost every bone in my body.

"Tommy- wait!" I turned to look at Fundy, my eyes held rage and sadness.

"You're lucky you aren't me- fox boy. I've lost my final life, had Wilbur be revived to manipulate me even farther- and have been exiled by my best friend." I put a finger up to his chest and pushed him back.

"Stay away from me."


I woke up with a jump and wiped my eyes- I had been crying.

What a strange dream.



A dream :)



:                  )

(Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I fucked this one up so bad- I got lazy towards the middle and fucked it all up- plz send help jwjndnd)
(Amyways, enjoy♡)

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