Marshal Hazer's P.O.V~
It's April sixth. Alex and I had our four month ultrasound check up four days ago. Our baby is getting so big, but she had barely been showing. It makes me sad actually, because I really want to be able to see my baby there. I laid there thinking about that for a while, looking up at my ceiling. Alex was taking a bath upstairs in the master guest bedroom's bathroom. It was a Saturday morning and I didn't know what to do today. I think we should start making and figuring out plans about the rooms situation. Alex has tried talking to me about it before, but it felt to soon to be doing all of that stuff, besides I don't want to start making the baby's room until we know what it is, but I suppose we could start doing some stuff. I must have laid there thinking for about forty minutes or so before she came walking into my room, and crawled across the bed to me, kind of laying on me kissing me softly.
“Mmmm...daddy likie.” I told her, she laughed loudly.
“Oh yeah?” she said back to me sweetly.
“Mhmm.” I replied, and she came in kissing me some more. After about fifteen minutes she was cuddled up to me, wrapped in my arms, wearing nothing but the towel she had come in the room in. She hadn't bothered getting dressed yet, but I didn't mind.
“Okay, so I do think that we need to start figuring out the rooms situation.” I told her.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” she replied back. Her arm was wrapped around my stomach, and her head on my chest.
“What are you thinking about it?”
“Well I think that we should just leave everything the same. I mean I've gotten used to the way that the rooms are all set up right now.”
“Yeah, I think that my dad's old room should be the baby's room. I don't know, to me it's like, we've been storing all of the stuff that we've got for the baby in there up until this point, it just feels like that's the way it should be.” I said to her.
“I agree. I like things the way we have it.”
“Well I want to paint the baby's room, but since we wont know what color to paint it until we know what gender the baby is, we have to wait until next month to get the paint and stuff, but I was thinking that maybe today if you wanted too, we could go furniture shopping. We could get a little dresser, and a changing table, and a rocking chair if you want one.”
“Oh, I would love a rocking chair, but can we get one of those one's with the little like Ottoman thing that I can put my feet up on?” she asked sweetly.
“We can get whatever you want babe.” I told her kissing the top of her head softly.
“Great. I think that will be nice to have. And I think we should get a little bookshelf or something that we could put his or her stuffed animals on, and a toy chest would be good too.” she listed.
“Probably. It sounds like a plan to me.” I said.
“But that's going to be so expensive. How much money do we have to spend?” It's cute how she worries about money, but she shouldn't, my dad's a multi billionaire, so we have plenty of it.
“We have my dad's credit card so we're covered.” I told her.
“Are you sure he doesn't mind?” you can tell that she feels bad about it.
“Yes baby. He really doesn't mind. He earns money as much as he breaths so it's not a big deal.” I told her.
“Okay.” she said shyly. She's so cute, I think Alexa will make a great mom.