Chapter 20. Guess

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Andre and Jackie were lying next to each other, tired and happy. He gently hugged her and slowly kissed her shoulders and neck, breathing in the unique scent of her hair. This aroma intoxicated him, making him forget about everything in the world. He didn't want anything. Just lie like this, snuggling. Suddenly, Jackie pulled away and kissed his nose. Andre opened his eyes and... Bagheera was rubbing her snout against his nose signaling that morning had come and it was time for feeding. No way to sleep anymore. Andre rolled over from side to his back, deciding to soak in bed a few more minutes. For Bagheera, this was a signal. She immediately found a place on his chest, staring into his face with unblinking olive eyes. There was no choice but to proceed with a daily ritual. He had to pet Bagheera behind the ears, stroke her neck and other parts she'll turn to him, purring with pleasure.

Andre tried not to refuse his lovely pet caressing for no good reason. And this morning he was in a good mood and he knew that Bagheera will be grateful to him. She regularly massages him, rubbing his belly and chest with the front paws. And while the kitty is purring, squinting eyes, he could dream a little and think about Jackie and him.

It has been several months since they met. And the time passed in the blink of an eye, like an instant. Autumn has come. They tried to meet at least once a week, or at most, every two weeks. And every meeting was a real holiday. No, they didn't fall into each other's arms immediately. It all started with easy communication, Jackie talked about the latest events in her life, they listened to music, drank wine and danced. And only then it gradually turned into passionate hugs, kisses and wild sex. Like a small spark, flaring up under the gentle wind blow, turns into a raging flame. Jackie was no longer that insecure girl with a nervous smile, which she seemed to be at the first meeting. She became a desirable and adored woman, with a happy gleam in her eyes. The kind of woman, any man could dream of.

He had to check if there was a "night" letter from her. The brighter was their date, the more exciting and emotional were her messages. Yesterday they just drove each other to exhaustion. To very pleasant exhaustion. Oh, if only she was here now. The morning sex is so sweet and gives such a positive charge for the whole day! First, he would admire the seductive curves of her body when she is asleep, then gently stroke her, barely touching her silky skin, kiss sensually and, finally, they would indulge in mutual caresses and love... It is a pity that she can't stay over. Andre sighed dreamily and when he made a move to get up, Bagheera reacted instantly and jumped off. He had just to turn on the laptop.

His expectations didn't disappoint him. He received a letter from Jackie:

- The moon shines brightly behind the window, and the silver rays are falling quietly... The moon is me. The rays are the words you read in this letter. The "shape" of each letter is full of my tenderness to You, my Dear... I adore you! I'm just losing my mind when you touch My naked body with Yours... I wish these touches never stop! I know that this is impossible since You and Me both have daily affairs and troubles. But I ask only one thing: extend this paradise, please! I love your kisses... They are so sweet! If the kisses were some kind of dessert, then I would say that it is the most delicious of all... I love your hugs... They are light as a wind sweep... They are as tender as the touch of rose petals to the fingers... Sorry, I got carried away... But I wanted it so much. Do you remember how you made love with me for the first time? I remember it... Of course! It's something that you never forget! You touched my lips with your lips so softly, so carefully, as if afraid that I will melt. You did everything so tenderly, so nice and pleasant. And I kissed you back... I wish that in the future we beautify our lives with hugs and kisses as much as possible... I adore You, my Dear! I often call You like that, even though I want to call you by name. I love your name, but I like to call you "Dear" a little more. That's right! The point is that this very word suits like no other, as an answer to many questions. I write You love letters... You - a Man... I reveal to You my thoughts and desires... and I like doing it. Because love letters are the transformation of the feelings of one Person into a material condition that can be conveyed to another Desired Person. We use words - love letters, to love each other (in the sense of "making love"), to adore... and We cannot say "this word" aloud... The main word, which is the meaning of life... We cannot give in to it, although we are its servants... We cannot, so as not to frighten happiness... Happiness LOVES... Even happiness loves silence... I know when you look at me, maybe you don't see something. But, if you reflect on it a little, then you will find it all in me by yourself...

The Girl! Who is sometimes timid, sometimes not so strong, sometimes fragile... But she always smiles and rushes through life like a meteor... I felt lonely, not physically, but emotionally... I needed a man who would understand me and wouldn't think that I am strange, and who would accept me as I am, without trying to change me and force to something... Please, hold me in your hands as tight as possible!!!

Andre read the letter several times. Each line penetrated deeper and deeper into his soul, filling it with tenderness and joy. Probably, there is no man in the whole world, who would not feel happy after receiving such a message. He immediately replied with a message full of sweet words and wishes!

Half the day's gone, and he didn't receive any message from Jackie. There was nothing strange about it if she had a stressful working time. But when there was no letter in the evening, Andre got worried. Jackie was silent the next day, and a day after there were no messages either.

Andre has a heavy feeling in his heart. The hunch about the possible beginning of the end that had to come sooner or later crossed his mind. Happiness can't last forever.

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