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From beaches boasting fine, white sand
and frigid winter wonderlands
to villages and urban sprawls
my heart yearns to tour them all.

Hear the airplane engines rumble
as they soar over clouds and trouble
and watch the world from a bird's eye view
as the plane descends to somewhere new.

Smell the salty ocean breeze
as the motorboat speeds through seas
to distant and tranquil tropical islands
lying far from the mainland.

Stroll down paths of ancient brick
or modern streets as cars go quick
or roads paved with dirt and gravel
to places less known and traveled.

Treat the eyes to a thousand lights
illuminating the city night
or watch the Northern Lights of nature
shower the skies and enrapture.

Feast on foods with foreign flavors
find new treats to eat and savor
meals seasoned with herbs and spice
their tempting scents only entice.

Treat the ears to new voices
unfamiliar sounds and noises
foreign tongues that flow like water
and melodies from other cultures.

Go on long sprees of shopping
feel the soft fabric of new clothing
pick up pieces of prêt-à-porter
or splurge on garments made to measure.

The adrenaline of adventure
pervades my every nerve and fiber
peaks when I reach my destination
new sensations are my obsession.

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