discovery+Audio log 1

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The personal officer tapped on the enter button on the computer to play the file, his speakers were blasted by a feminine voice, the doctor who recorded these.


" hello? I am Dr.Michelle Brandstone, I am the head researcher for the department that SCP.8731, otherwise reffered to as 'specimen' or 'The young artist.'

This SCP should be described as they are, they are currently a little girl, aged around 5, she possesses uneven black hair which is traditionally referred to as short or choppy. Her  most usual outfit is a plain yellow top and a pink skirt.

She is currently new to the foundation, and is classified as 'safe' as of her human physique I feel pity for her remembering how many of the doctors were cruel.

I currently posses no further information, I will report during the first test tomorrow"

"Interesting," the personal replied to no one in particular, his mouse already inches away from the next file.

SCP.8731---- The young artistWhere stories live. Discover now