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Ep. 16, End of the Beginning



"Like this?" The blonde Asgardian asks, as she draws Skye's blood under the watchful eye of both Simmons and Fitz.

"You're doing great." Fitz encourages her, whilst biting his thumb nervously. This was a questionably good idea from Simmons. The Bio-Chem scientist wanted to also teach the princess her field of Science and not just what Fitz knew. Leading them to this.

Skye let out a sigh, once Asta handed the vial of blood to Fitz. "Guys, I swear, I am fine. How much blood are you gonna draw before you believe me?" she questions them as Simmons helps Asta remove the needle from her arm.

"Your recovery, it's honestly, quite remarkable." Simmons tells the hacker.

"Strange." Fitz comments.

"Fascinating." Asta says as she removes her gloves. The princess was given some access as to what had happened the last few missions. She understood the need to keep a watchful eye on Skye.

"We know Coulson had a very different recovery experience, so we understand why he's hesitant about sharing our findings with others." Simmons says to the girl.

"Yeah, but something like this drug, it needs to be studied. It has the potential to save so many lives." Fitz argues.

"We'd like to send a blood sample of yours to some colleagues to do a molecular breakdown. Maybe if you spoke to Agent Coulson –" Simmons attempts to convince Skye but she's cut short.

"Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea. If Coulson thinks it's important that this stays between us, then we should trust him. Right? He's the boss." Skye counters, not on board with their idea.

"If this medicine can help people, why wouldn't you want to research it more?" Asta questions, not fully understanding Coulson's secrecy.

"So you're saying we should obey the rules." Simmons hesitantly says, earning a nod from Skye.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Skye?" Fitz questions the hacker in a serious tone.

Skye was about to reply but Ward enters the lab, "Skye. Upstairs." he says gaining everyone's attention, "Top brass wants to see you." he tells her before walking out. Skye, confused, follows.

Not long after she left did May enter the room, "We're making Skye official. You guys probably wanna come up." she tells them.

Fitz and Simmons look at her excited at the news, while Asta looks a bit confused. "Official?" she questions.

"Officially apart of shield. Oh, this is exciting!" Simmons explains with a big smile, earning a nod of understanding.

"Let go up to congratulate her." May tells them, turning to exit the lab the three following behind.

As the four enter the upstairs, they see five other Shield Agents that were not normally on the bus. "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D., Skye." Coulson tells the young hacker with a smile.

Skye was looking down at her new badge in disbelief as the four make their way over to her. She looks over to them seeing them all give her big smiles. "I told them to come up." May tells the girl with a proud smile.

Skye give them a big smile, "I –I don't know what to say." she says looking back at her new badge. She looks back up at Coulson, "Thank you." she tells him.

"Don't thank me. You've passed every required S.H.I.E.L.D. exam with flying colors." he praises her.

"For a level 1 agent." Agent Hand comments.

"You've assisted us on multiple field missions, put your life on the line. You earned this." Coulson continues.

"Hell, you took two in the gut. More than Sitwell here's ever done." Agent Garrett says earning a look from Agent Sitwell.

"Okay, everyone. Back to work." Coulson finishes.

"Congratulations." Agent Garrett says before leaving the room. May pats her on the back before going to follow Garrett and Coulson.

"Congratulations, Skye!" Simmons tells her friend in excitement, pulling her into a hug.

"Awesome!" Skye squeals in happiness.

"Congratulations." Fitz tells the girl also giving her a hug.

"I'm happy for you." The princess tells her new friend, also giving her a hug.

The three leave her to go back to the lab, "So... What can you do exactly?" Simmons questions as they walk.

"Like we know your the Goddess of Protection and Growth." Fitz adds on.

"But what does that entail?" Simmons finishes, as they enter the lab again.

Asta leans on a table to face them. "Well, a can manifest a magic barrier, or 'forcefield' as I've heard many call it." She begins, showing them a small example.


"That's amazing."

The two stare amazed before she drops it. "I also have the power of the Bifrost. Though I am still learning how to use it to a bigger extent. It's the portal I use to travel to other places, but I can only go to worlds I've been to before. And I can only travel by myself, I'm still trying to figure out how to bring others with me." Asta admits a bit sheepishly.

"So similar to teleporting?" Simmons questions.

Fitz shakes his head, "Not really. When she arrived on the ship, we could see her portal before she came on." he tells his best friend.

"You were there when she arrived?" Simmons asks shocked, earning a nod from them both.

"You'll see me use it sometime. When someone requests my help that I have gifted a charm then I can hear them, anywhere in the universe. I sense how urgent they need me. And if I'm lucky, they're somewhere I've been to." she explains to them.

"Charm? How do you give someone a charm?" Fitz questions confused at her words.

Asta takes a moment to think of how to explain it, not knowing how to. "Here." she says grabbing his hand, causing him to flush a bit pink not that she noticed.

"I-uh I, okay." Fitz stutters out, a bit flustered.

Asta focus's her magic on him, her hand glowing blue for a moment before going to his and fading away. "There, now if you call for me to help, I can hear you." she tells him with a smile.

Fitz and Simmons looks at his hand still in the grasp of the princess's, shocked at actually seeing her magic. "That was wicked." the to mutter out amazed, causing the princess to giggle at their response.


1063 Words

I love Asta interacting with other people in this world.

Hope you enjoy silly convos, taking a break from stress.

Schools almost done for the year so yay! I'll get to work on more story stuff when on vacation!

Let me know your thoughts!




Lots of Luv~ Snowflake

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