AN: Wedding preparations and Larry moments! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own One Direction or their families. This fic is copyrighted to me. No one is allowed to translate or repost it. This fic can be found both here and on Ao3.
The next day Louis was busy and unable to eat breakfast with Harry, much to his relief, so he opted to eat in his room rather than join the whole Tomlinson family. He didn't feel he belonged there.
As he was enjoying breakfast, Liam came by to let Harry know of plans for the day. One of which being cake testing for the wedding. Harry thought it was odd that he and Louis had to actually eat the cakes to test them rather than just tell the cook which flavor they preferred. He wasn't too picky on cake flavors. It was cake after all. You can't really go wrong with any kind, except carrot cake. Harry hated carrot cake. It's cake! What kind of idiot put vegetables in cake?
When Niall came back from eating his breakfast, he mentioned to Harry that the tailor that had come by the day prior to outfit Harry for the wedding had asked what time would work for the prince's fitting today. "I told her that you brought something from home to wear and that you wouldn't be needing her help. She seemed slightly offended by that," he chuckled.
"Well, no offense to her. I'd just prefer to be in something I know I'll like and am sure will fit me well. I did help the seamstresses make it after all!" Harry said.
"Aren't you afraid that your outfits might be a bit much for the prince or Yorkshire in general?" Niall asked.
"I'm marrying Louis, so Yorkshire will just have to get used to the way I dress," Harry replied. "I'm not changing my style for them. Besides, Louis was supportive when I told him I like fashion and designing. He told me I should do what makes me happy."
"Hm," Niall hummed. "Well, I'm glad he told you that. I'm beginning to like him better and better."
Harry nodded in agreement. He liked Louis too. He liked that Louis was supportive of his unconventional love of fashion. That he told Harry to be unapologetically himself and not to worry about other people's opinions. The problem was one of the opinions Harry need not worry about the most was Louis'. After all, a little while after they're married he won't be around anymore. How was Harry supposed to poison the one person who had wholeheartedly supported him?
Life was so complicated.
A few hours later, Liam had informed Niall to instruct Harry to meet him in the kitchen for the cake testing. Because this was his second time entering the room since he and Niall had been given the original tour, Harry took his time admiring the set up. The kitchen was every cook's dream, consisting of four large stoves and ovens, a giant pantry stocked to the brim, and every size pan you could ever need. Harry's pretty sure he would have died and gone to Heaven if he ever cooked there.
He wandered over to where the few cakes and different frostings were laid out, assuming that's where they would be sitting for the cake testing session. Trying to be discreet, he collected a dollop of chocolate frosting on his pinky and brought it between his lips for a taste. It was delicious obviously, and because he had thought he was alone, Harry jumped a mile when someone cleared their throat from behind him.
It was Louis.
"I saw that you know," Harry spun around to see a mischievous smirk on the prince's face, indicating he wasn't actually cross with Harry for having a lick.
"Saw what?" Harry replied with his own smirk. He can play coy too. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Louis' smirk only grew. "Whatever you say, love. I'll keep your secret."
If only Louis knew Harry was keeping more significant secrets than frosting licking.
They hadn't spoken just one on one since their date yesterday and Louis was already using that word "love" again. Harry did not psych himself up enough prior to this cake testing. Overnight he had forgotten just how difficult it was to be around the Yorkshire prince and not let himself succumb to his charm. At least they wouldn't be completely alone together this afternoon. Weren't the cooks supposed to be here, and what about Liam? Wasn't he the official "wedding planner" or something?
Just then, the distinct sound of heels could be heard thudding down the hallway before coming to a stop outside the kitchen door. It didn't stay silent for but a second before Lottie was bursting in.
"Hello, boys!" she exclaimed.
Louis whipped around at the sound of her entrance. "What are you doing here, Lots?"
"I'm here for the cake testing obviously," Lottie threw her arms out in a grand gesture.
"And who exactly invited you?" Louis asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "I think Harry and I are capable of eating cake on our own."
"Liam invited me," she replied. "He said it'd be good if I came in case you two couldn't agree on something so that I would be the deciding factor."
"Louis," Harry interjected with a smile when it looked like Louis was going to argue with his sister some more, "it's alright. She can help us."
"Thank you, Harry!" Lottie said with a smile and Louis shrugged, heading over to sit on one of the stools in front of the island holding the spread of cakes.
After all three were seated at the counter like little kids waiting for food, Harry in between the prince and princess, Liam came bustling in with his clipboard and the cooks behind him.
"Good afternoon, everyone!" he announced. "How are we all today?"
"We're doing fine, Liam," Louis answered with a sarcastic smile. "But since we all didn't have lunch yet, I think we'd like to forgo the formalities and start eating now."
"Sure thing, your Highness," Liam nodded then turned to the three women that had followed him in, "You can pass out the first cake to them now, please."
Over the next half hour they were fed a myriad of flavored cakes such as lemon with vanilla buttercream, red velvet with cream cheese frosting, and almond with chocolate mousse to name a few of Harry's favorites. So far he and Louis had been agreeing on flavors for the most part and Lottie wasn't needed to sway the vote so she was just enjoying gobbling down each slice she was handed. That is, until Liam instructed the cooks to place the final cake in front of them and it turned out to be carrot cake. And it wasn't just carrot cake. It was carrot cake with coconut frosting as Liam announced. Harry couldn't believe his ears. What kind of fucked up flavor combination is that?
Harry's attention was drawn away from the glare he was sending to the plate in front of him by Louis' fist pumping into the air. "Hell yes! My favorite!" he exclaimed with a giant smile on his face then took a huge bite.
Oh no.
Nope. Nopety-nope. Harry was absolutely not having this atrocity of a cake to eat at his wedding. Whether this wedding means something or not. Harry won't go down without a fight.
Everyone's heads simultaneously whipped towards him at his firm statement. Louis stopped chewing, the cooks were glaring at him, apparently unable to fathom that someone would dislike one of their cakes so readily without even tasting it, and Liam looked a little wide-eyed and scared, gaze skipping back and forth between him and Louis on his left.