chapter 1

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Sitting on lawn...shree thought about last 1.5 years...all her life change......on just a second.....when first time she hear her heart....her world totally change....
She change......
She carresed her baby bump....which is now 6 months....she smile.....

One beautiful evening....a beautiful bride sit on her room..... then she thought...with whom she go to marry....a man...whom she not love......yes she not live him... because it's an arrange marriage....
She is best a gynecologist....she is now 30...
But her misfortune that she not get her love.....
It's not because of her's because of her.....
She is too much introvert...and shy...that she never tell him that she love him.....

She chuckled....a lone tear escape......
And she make a note to Adi her would be husband....

That i can't do that marriage... because I not love you.... I know you're a very good deserve best...not a girl like me....who actually don't know about can she make you tidy......if we are married then it messed up more....
And pls don't blame my parents....they also don't know anything about it.....
He saw this message in his what's app....

Shree s parents also get same message....but difference is that she tell them that if they have any small problem she obviously know by her source if they not informed her then also she get to know......
And said never try to find me dad...

End Flashback...
Shree came's really feel cold after sunset in October....

Sonia (pa and bff of shree) came and sat beside her and said mam are you remember we have to go a party....
Mr sindhiya s marriage reception....
Yes Sonia I's first time in 1.5 years I go in any party.....
Leave it....
Shree is always very simple...
She wear a long light yellow dress....she took a stole........
She look very pretty.....
She have not white milky skin's a ordinary skin colour her skin colour near about her dress make her very beautiful.....
After staying inside at party she feel something she informed sonia that she wait outside...after sonia done her dinner she also join her their car....
Sonia said ok mam ...
Shree  tell a story to her baby..... about social taboos...
Where a brother and sister fell in love.....have sex with each other.....and her brother love her that much when her sister raped by her classmet he give him a good ans he was sentenced life time jail.....
But baby you know society never accept their love.... because there love is sinful...... according to society.....
Then his sister go to be mom soon....but in an accident all of his family death......then he goes totally mad....for her sister......
He always try to find his sister in every women....but he fail.....

Then a man came...ask her are you not shree....?
Shree reply yeh I am....but I don't recognise you....
He said I am deep...your school classmate....are you
How can she forget him.....he is the one whom she used to love ...but see the misfortune when her love came in front of her eyes...she can't realise it.....
Is anything have more painful than that it's feel worst....
Then she saw a girl who is behind him.....she said is she your wife....
He replied not wife...but would be wife......
Congratulations are pregnant......are you came here alone.....

No sonia came with me...with a slight smile in her face....she always want him to see happy but when she saw him with another girl ... it's broke her more......

Next morning...
Shree...try to pick a green her pregnancy hormone....her baby want now  green apple in candy version..... totally coted with suger.....shree love it.....
At that time when she pick apple 🍏 Deep came and give her invitation for his wedding...
Shree directly reply I am not going to your wedding
Deep ask why....
Shree ask how you know my address....
Deep : Mr sindhiya give me....
Actually I never attended any party and now I am pregnant so I always avoid I am not going there....
Deep: ok....but where is your hubby I said him for come there
Shree: I have no I think you can leave from here.....

Shreeeeeeeeeee......someone scream at top of his voice......
Shree: Dev(whisper)
He come and give her a bone crush hug......and shree smile....but this is satisfied this whole 1.5 years....first time she smile whole heartedly...and satisfaction see on her face.....
Deep see it.....and smile.....he somehow feel bad....that shree not give him a mere hug but with him....she is too close......
Deep bid a goodbye....go from there....

Dev came inside......
Make sat her on sofa.....and give a glass of juice her...make her smile and laugh with his jokes.....

Is shree's pain have any end or it continues to her death?
Can Dev make her happy for everytime...?
With whom child Shree is pregnant?

  There are lots of questions.....
Which also goes to be open....

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