Chapter- 8

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I fluttered my eyes open and groaned loudly as the pain shot through my shoulder. My vision was still a bit hazy so I blinked and rubbed them a little. Looking around I saw that I was back in Orion's room which was lit with soft red and golden lights. I was surprised to see myself placed on the soft bed for I had expected me to be in a cage or in the room appointed to me.

I tried to lean up but fell down immediately at the sharp pain shooting from my shoulder. Fear and anger filled me as I remembered everything that monster did to me. He branded me like a cattle. I hated him! I hated him with every fibre of my being. But my fear had increased a hundred folds. He had proven that he could go to any lengths to make me submit to him... even as far as branding me.
        I could feel something cold on my chest as I tried to move around. Frowning I looked down only to see two small rings hanging from my nipples. Angry tears filled my vision. I wanted to scream loudly. How could he do this to me?! Without my knowledge! I hated him so much. I wanted to kill him.

Gingerly, I touched my nipple and winced slightly.

I was even more desperate now, to get out of here. Back there I had seen a girl so I knew that there were people here maybe one of them could help me escape. I know they must be loyal to this monster but maybe if I pleaded to some girl's conscience she would help me. I didn't want to loose any hope because it was the only thing keeping me from breaking and submitting to him completely.  And this was my only hope. My sister had no idea about him so even if she was searching for me she wouldn't be able to find me. So I had to do this even if it gets me killed. At least I would die trying. But for that I'll need to earn his trust. And I'll have to be very careful because he was a cunning man if he sees any difference in my actions he'll immediately know that something is wrong.

"What are you thinking about?" A deep, husky voice reached my ears making me jump slightly. I peaked at him through my eyelashes to see him carrying a tray containing several dishes.

"What's all this?" I ask in confusion.

Raising an amused eyebrow, he says in a matter of fact tone, "food."

"I know that." I snap, making him narrow his eyes at me.

"I meant since you've kidnapped me—" I stopped short to examine his reaction but as usual his face revealed nothing which both irritated and scared me beyond measure because you could never know what's going on in his mind. Hesitantly I continue, "you've always made me eat in... dog bowls." I look away and say, disgust clear in voice.

Then I look inquisitively at him, "what changed?"

"Do you want to eat from the bowls?" Although his face didn't reveal anything, his tone revealed the amusement he was finding in this. Indignantly I narrowed my eyes at him and looked away making him laugh loudly. Hearing his melodious carefree laugh my lips almost twitched in a smile of its own, but I bit my lip, holding onto the anger I was feeling.

Taking two plates from the tray he sat beside me. The delicious aroma hit me like a truck instantly making me salivate. In my haste to get up I jerked my shoulder hurting the wound. I let out a yelp as tears pricked my eyes. Orion stood up in an instant and took my right hand in his as he supported my shoulder with the other. Slowly with his help, I sat up and rested my head on the headboard.

He elegantly cut out a piece and fed me. I bit back a moan as the flavors burst on my tongue. I had no idea what the name of the dish was but this was heaven... especially after eating that bland porridge for the past few days.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he fed me another piece.

"Like I was cut by a hot knife and pierced without my knowledge." I said flatly as I stared at him.

"You were marked by that hot knife, which was necessary." I scoffed and looked away. "And as for the piercing, you look even more alluring." He said simply.

I looked incredulously at him, "you had no right to do that."

"What? Piercing or marking you as mine?" He tilted his head as he stared at me. I didn't know if he was angry or not but I decided to tell him what I felt because he didn't look like he was going to torture me.

"Both." I said and continued hesitantly, "I know you would've cut me one way or another. But you had no right to peirce my nipples. Not without my knowledge." I took a deep breath  before saying, "I don't like them. I want them removed."

I held me breath as I looked at him. His silence was killing me. I had no idea if I went too far with that demand. With every passing minute I was regretting saying anything. Various scenarios were running through my head, in each of them I ended up getting tortured in the worst way possible. My hands were trembling as I looked away from his intense gaze.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Why couldn't I filter my thoughts before speaking? Now he is going to put me through a series of torture and I'll be bed ridden for next few days.

Suddenly I felt warmth covering my hands. My hands trembled even more as he slowly tightened his grip on my hands. Surprisingly it wasn't painful but I couldn't stop the trembling; I was so scared at this moment that I could choke on it. He slowly and gently rubbed my hands. I still hadn't looked at him. I just couldn't do it.

He placed a finger under my chin and made me look at him. I swallowed down the whimpers as I looked at his stern face. He brought his hand to my face making me flinch. His eyes darkened at my action making me gulp but placed it on my cheek and gently stroke it.

"Okay." He said as he stared at me with a tender expression.

I blinked stupefied, "what?"

"I'll remove the nipple rings."

I looked at him, surprised. I wasn't expecting him to agree, so, hesitantly I asked him again, "really?"

He nodded simply as he smiled a little. Him smiling genuinely was a rare look and I couldn't deny that it made him even more attractive.

"Thank you." I whispered softly as he kissed my forehead.

"I would anything for you except let  you go." He whispered as he looked down at me.

He then stood up and put the empty plates on the tray. "Get some rest we are leaving in two days."

"Leaving?" I asked him, confused. "Where?"

I hope you liked the chapter.

What are your thoughts about Orion?

I know it wasn't much but I promise next one will be much better.

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