Follow the instructions here if you wish to add your own cat-sona here. Feel free to add your pet (dog, cat, fish etc) who has passed away or is still living here too.
Are you and/or your pet one of these?:House cat/kittypet: A cat who lives with humans/Two legs. Only has a one word name. (Example: Daisy, Buster, Kevin etc)
Loner: Another cat with a one word name. Doesn't belong to a clan or Twolegs. Hunts wherever, sleeps wherever and does whatever.
Rogue: Cat who can have a one word or two word name (Example: Russettail, Cedarwing, Thistleclaw, Rosefur, etc) Has either left their Twolegs or left/was banned from their clan.
Clan cat: A cat with a two word name. Can be either a warrior or medicine cat. Medicine cats cannot have mates and stay within the confines of the clan territory unless it's for the half moon meeting or the full moon gathering.
Once you've chosen that, next step is to create a name based upon your standing.
If you chose Rogue or Clan cat please make sure to choose your clan you belong/belonged to.
Next, (if you chose to be a Rogue or a Clan Cat) is your ending to your name. You can choose to have your name end in:
Or a different word, such as: fern, nettle, frost etc. (Examples: Russetfern, Russetnettle, Russetfrost)
However if you chose Rogue you can also keep your name to one word. (Examples: Poppy, Wax, Birch etc)
Then finally, you will describe yours and/your pet's cat.
Length of fur: ___
Color of fur: ___
Texture of fur: ___
Size of cat: ___
Size of paws: ___
Color of eyes: ___
Disabilities?: ___
Other distinctive portions of your cat: ___
Go crazy with the description of your cat.
I look forward to seeing you guys in the story.

Warriors Generations: Book 1 (Under Rewrite)
FanfictionThis story begins as any Warriors story would. With prophecies, quests, natural disasters, the affect of the Twolegs, forbidden love and of course the balance between life and death. This is book 1 of my Fan-Fic series in memory of my cat Van. R.I...