Amy's P.O.V
Well I am going to start before my grandma died. It was the last day of school and like any normal day i went into the school. Everyone was doing their normal, staring at me and asking me for my phone number!..and Liams. I had Maths first. I did notice a new guy in the class. "Hey, My name is Lucas../you can call me luke for short". I smiled at him "my name is Amy, nice to meet you". "May i sit beside you..beca-?" he trailed off...I looked over to the seat beside me and patted it. He grinned. After maths i needed to go to my locker and when i got there Luke was getting his books from the locker beside mine.
"Can you help me?, Where's the Music room" i had to think for a minute but then i realised i was passing there anyway! "Follow me,i'll show you" I said and gave him smile. He looked shocked for some reason. Then a girl came up to him and kissed him on the cheek "Hey babe, ready to go?"....He looked at her uneasy " i know you" i heard him say. I gave him a 'what the heck' look. He chuckled. He mouthed 'Help me i dont know her'. When he did that i burst out laughing!
"Excuse me hun but isn't that your boyfriend glaring at you from over there"..I said as i pointed. She looked at me shocked and walked away. "Thanks Amy, She was starting to creep me out"...I burst out laughing. He looked at me in a weird way..."Can we go now haha" he asked me and i quickly looked at my watch. SHIT! We were late!!!! I Grabbed his hand and ran to where he had to go. "BYYEEEEE" i panted as i stayed running. He just laughed " See you at lunch"
i heard him mutter.
When i got to my class the teacher glared at me. I apologised and sat down quickly. I could get the hang of the work but then the worst thing that could happen...happened. I was called out of class and the principle said unsurely "Amy, Your granny just had a heart attack..she's in the hospital bu they said it is to late, You may leave school if you would like". I dropped my books and bag..i let out a huge sob.
I ran out of the school and i called Liam. Luckely this month he was here in London. He came and picked me up and rubbed circles on my back to comfort me. "Amy, I will take you to my house...the boys are there but i warned them" he said smiling down at me. I cried into his shoulder until we arrived. I stepped out of the car and he led me inside.
All the boys were sitting around the couch...watching tv. "Boys, This is Amy my cousin" he smiled at them. They all stood up. " Hey We are Louis,Zayn,Niall and harry.."they said that while the person raised their hand. I smiled Louis ran over and gave me a huge hug. "Im sorry about your grandma" he whispered in my ear. All the other boys smiled at me and said the same.