"Wait wait wait wait so you cant fight? whats your quirk again?" Miruko asks. " Visual manipulation-I can use any weapon ive ever seen even if its from a show" you explain.
"Word to what? pull out Canary's lil staff thing." she says, You hold your hand out and in seconds the staff was in your hand as you twirled it a little. "BROOO HOW CAN YOU NOT FIGHT AND YOU HAVE THE HARDEST QUIRK IVE EVER SEEN?!" she yells, "ive just never needed to fight i just whip sum out and swing it around or shoot it enough to run away" you huff.
"I guess thats why you say you dont need protection huh?" and you nod. You and Rumi had been chopping it up for a couple hours now since you had just got off work. "So what kinda music do you like?" you ask her, "Literally anything i fuck wit j cole, artic monkeys, mitski, kendrick lamar, ski mask, doja, WILLOW it dont matter" she says counting on her hands.
"Bet because it's quiet asf in here so imma just shuffle my playlist" you tell her connecting to your speaker. 'The matrix' by ski mask comes on as you hop off the couch heading towards the kitchen, You hadnt eaten anything since your lunch break so you decided it was time to make some dinner. You had been craving some chicken alfredo for the longest so that what you decided to make.
"DAMM THAT SHIT SMELL LIKE EAT MY PUSSY NOW" Rumi says as the aroma from the cooked food filled your apartment. "Shut the fuck up yelling bro loud ass." you roll your eyes, "Man you be hatin i swear to god" she waves you off making her way to the kitchen.
She grabs one of the two plates you set out and goes to put some pasta on her plate but you slap her hand down, "Porque mi amor?" she asks. "Who the fuck told you i made it for you?" "Nigga me, plus you know you left out two plates for a reason" she says slyly and you just roll your eyes.
"Bitch imma have a goddamn orgasm wtf" miruko exaggerates at your food which made you smile a little, you love when people praise your cooking. Especially fine women.
You and miruko ate while she talked about her day on patrol, you found out that she actually went to highschool with hawks and midnight and that they all thought you were stunning at first sight. Miruko was a pretty cool person when she wasnt all hyper and shit, she wasnt self-centered like you thought she was when you met her at the boba shop.
You could see yourself warming up to her in the future, i mean it would be good to make friends with the person who is getting paid to protect you right? "So you wanna play mariokart or what" you ask her, "Man do you even gotta ask, i call baby mario" she demands. "Hoe fuck you and baby mario, Toad is the goat anyway"
"Fucking cap but ight we gone see beautiful"
"heeya" Toad says from the screen when you pick him. "here we go" says mario when rumi clicked on him. You two were doing a grand prix and the winner of the most races had to buy the other boba.
"BRO I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH YOU DID NOT JUST HIT ME WITH A BLUE SHELL" you scream, "sucks to suck huh" she laughs as you were now in 4th place goin into the last lap of the last race. You had won two games and she had won the last one and you were not gonna let her win this one.
You used every special box power in the book and threw shells at the computer players in your way. You were finally in first until you started to see a red shell move from side to side at the bottom of your screen. "I swear to fucking god" you cuss under your breath, you try to swerve out the way but it was no use.
The shell hit making your kart flip and as you were doing your little cry that toad does you saw a certain baby with a red hat and overalls zip across the finishing line. "Oh...... whats this... hahahaha" she says sarcastically as she stands up off the couch to do her victory dance.
"Sit yo ass down you didnt even win we fucking tied you dipshit" you grumble, "aww dat baby mad as fuck anit she" she fake pouts at you. You hold your hand out and summon a death note, "Chill chill chill" she puts her hands in a surrender position so you put the book away with a nod letting out a "thats what the fuck i thought".
"Aye its 12am i need to go to sleep and you got patrol tomorrow right?" you ask checking your phone, "nope im all yours mama fulltime tomorrow" she smiles at you. You just roll your eyes and nod, "beautiful if you continue to roll your eyes theyll get stuck and you wont ever be able to look at my beautiful face again" she tells you as you walk to your bedroom flipping her off.
You go to your bathroom and take shower then do your night routine, you do a little shadow work and some affirmations for tomorrows intentions. You change into a oversized shirt and some panties turning your led lights to red on the lowest setting and turn your fan on.
You cut on some sound healing from your phone and put it on the charger. You climb in your bed and put your bonnet on that had been left in your bed, tucking in stray knotless braids. Just as you were about to lay down there was knock at your door.
"Fuckin why bro" you mumble, "yes 'Koko?". "Damn you sound mad, i was just gonna say goodnight beautiful" she said from outside not wanting to invade your privacy. "Goodnight Rumi" you reply and with that you hear her footsteps grow quieter.
"Im sorry, im sorry please dont leave me.." you scream as you turn from side to side in your bed, "PLEASE WHY CANT YOU JUST LOVE ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE" you were having another panic attack. ironic that your a therapist who cant even cope with her own problems huh? you had these episodes about once or twice a week so you would tend to just ride them out when they ocurred, it was always just you so you learned to just push these episodes behind you.
You continued to toss and turn and yell not hearing a banging on your door, "Im coming in L/n" she says after getting no answer from you. She comes into your room and rushes over to you making sure youre okay, she turned to look at your face to find you were still sleeping but were crying and shaking.
"Shhhh... im right here mama i got you its okay" she reassures you while she rocks you back and forth. You were somewhat awake now and still crying but you slowly stopped shaking, she wiped your tears and continued to hold you.
You barely knew her but in that moment it felt right to let her hold you. "Im sorry, you dont get paid for pity parties" you try to lighten the mood for yourself. "I would do this for free L/n and its not a pity party youre in pain, im sorry you had to do this alone for so long" she says as her voice cracks a little.
"Its cool its always been this way so i learn to not stress it, id rather not talk about it right now please" you reply softly, Miruko nods in agreement.
9:50am You wake up alone to the sound if your alarm going off. "Aye Koko get up i gotta go to work" you turn to find her not there, "You mean we have to go to work... partner" she grins at you with breakfast in her hands.
"When did you go get food?" you ask taking the food from her and setting it on your bedsides table. "Im an early bird so i just went out and got it." she answers. You nod and thank her as you dig in. Rumi had on a pretty comfortable fit for today since she wasnt doing hero work, a brown crop top and some orange sweatpants that looked a little too good on her.
You shook your thought and finished your food putting it in the trash. You make your way to the bathroom and do your morning routine then do light makeup for today. You come out the room and go to the closet to pick out an outfit, Rumi had left out the room and was watching tv in the living room. You had 3 appointments for today so you could dress down, plus who the fuck was going to tell you what to do when they need you? oh okay.
Your fit
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Miruko's fit
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Miruko drove to your job parking in your space. You greeted everyone in the complex and told them why she was there so there was no confusion. You got started with your first client so rumi sat in the break room. Between clients she would come in and talk to you, flirt, check up on you, bring you snacks, to be honest you kinda loved having her around.
You were now finishing up with your last client, this was a regular, Morty he paid well and always had exciting stories to tell you. You loved buliding bonds with your patients because you want them to know you actually care and that you werent just here to give them medicine to shut them up. You mostly gave patients herbs and remedies to try since you hated the idea of giving medicine to help mental problems it just felt weird to you.
You said goodbye to Morty and cleaned up around your office and made sure everything was in order for tomorrow. You met miruko outside of your office and she drove you home. "Bye Koko" wave to her as you had gave her the night off, she lived 5 minutes away so you could call her if you needed anything.
Mirukopov After dropping off Y/n i drove to my house, when i tell you she looked delectable this morning.
Today was pretty fun, i got to see y/n's work place and i got to run around the halls without her knowing. I have a couple shows to catch up with at home too so i can watch those before going to bed.
'wusyaname' by tyler the creator was blasting through my speakers as i pulled up to my house, fuck i love this song. I had to wait til the song went off to get out the car. Once it was over i turn the car off and lock the door.
I get in the house and take my shoes off locking the door behind me, It was about 11 so i was tired asl. I make my way up stairs until i hear a foot tap from the bottom of the stairs, i let out a sigh and turn around.