Chapter 1

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Needy entered her room and took off her shirt and got into bed and turned off the light, Jennifer rose from behind her and says ''Hi.''

Needy screams and quickly gets out of bed and turns o her bedside table lamp. Jennifer sits up and says ''Needy calm down, it's only me.''

Needy instantly calms down and says ''Jennifer, what are you doing here?''

Jennifer says ''I came here to see you.''

Jennifer goes on her knees and takes off Needy's glasses and puts them on Needy's bedside table. Needy looks at Jennifer and Jennifer kisses Needy and Needy kisses back. After a minute they break apart and look into each other's eyes and they both know what they feel for each other in that very moment was real. 

Jennifer lies down on Needy's bed and Needy climbed on top of Jennifer and they continued to kiss each other. Jennifer makes the first move and puts her hands up Needy's vest and takes it off. 


A/N: Hi guys let me know what you thought of this and I hoped you enjoyed it and have a good rest of your day or night wherever you may be in the world.  


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