04. The Break Up

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"I'm sorry" 

Going long distance was a lot more difficult than was initially thought to be

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Going long distance was a lot more difficult than was initially thought to be. Both Blaine and Brittany didn't know if it was because they were still in high school while their partners were off in college. Or if it was that they wanted to spend more time together than they were able to. But you could feel the sadness radiating off of that table. And it hurt. 

Both Sam and Becca spend there lunch taking glances at them, both lost in thought. Sam was thinking about how if they ended up trying long distance if that would've been then, all sad and depressed. The selfish part of him wanted to just be with her and didn't care about the distance, but the realistic part of him didn't want to hurt her. He hopes it would've been different with them but he can't say for sure.

Becca on the other hand, had something to ask Sam but was really struggling to get it out. She didn't want to ask this but see her friends hurt is hurting her and getting her to think about all the things that other people have been telling her. "Do you... Are you... Will you..." Taking a deep breath she asks the question that really scares her. 

"Are you planning on breaking up with me?" 

Dropping his fork, Sam looks over in shock. "No. What makes you think that?" 

Turning deep red, Becca focuses on her food, moving it around. "Just seeing everyone sad about their relationships got to me... I don't want to break up with you... Just if you want to, you can... Just please do it sooner rather than later."

"I don't want to break up with you Becks," Sam tells her putting his arm around her and pulling her into him.  "At all... I love you so much and don't tell Blaine or Mike but you're kind of my favorite person in the world. So sorry but you're stuck with me... Is something going on that you're not telling me?" 

She shook her head. "Nope... Everything's okay." 

Normally, Sam would believe that everything was okay since Becca was honest with him. She would tell him if something was going on in her life, usually only positive things, but also the bad. He knows she still keeps things from him. Like last year. He knew that there was more that upset her that wasn't just from her grandfathering passing and her new medication. He could tell something else happened, but she didn't want to tell him whatever it was. 

Unlike before, he had no clue what was going on with her. He's tried asking some of there other friend's to let him know if she tells them something. He's hoping that she's just upset with all the break up talk and still dealing with Finn going  MIA on her.

How he hoped it was just that.

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Kurt was a mess. He just found out that his boyfriend cheated on him and still had him staying in his house. Going to the fire escape, he called the one person he wanted to talk to. He needed a voice of reason. 

Back in Lima, it was late but Becca couldn't sleep, spending her night switching from crying and then being too numb to cry. She was debating calling Sam to come over and just hold her. Just his presence makes her feel safe and secure.  But if she called him at this hour he'd come over no matter what. Him coming over meant he'd want to comfort her and that means holding her which means touching her and she didn't want anyone to touch her cause that's apart of the problem. 

Then on top of that, if Sam saw her crying and then he'll want to know what's wrong. He never pushes her to say anything but you can tell he wants too. He wants to know what's wrong so he can help. But telling him means she has to admit then to herself that something's wrong and she can't bring herself to do that. It's better to pretend that everything is okay. 

Answering the phone, Becca tried her best to make her voice sound normal. "Hey dude, is everything okay?"

"He cheated."

Nearly dropping her phone, she needed him to repeat himself. She knew that Blaine missed Kurt but cheating? Didn't seem like him. "I swear he didn't tell me anything."

He knows that, "I just needed to talk to someone. I just don't know what to do. I still love him and he says he still loves me... I don't know if I can trust him anymore."

"I get it, I would be heartbroken if Sam cheated on me." Trying to give him any advice, she told him to give it some time. Maybe they needed some time apart. Apparently Finn and Rachel were fighting so he couldn't go to either of them to talk and Blaine was in his bed. "You can sleep on the couch... Or as awkward as it would be, spend one more night together sharing a bed. Kick him out in the morning."

Thinking about it, as long as Blaine has a way to get back to Lima safely, he will make sure he leaves first thing in the morning. Despite the broken trust, he still cares about him. Blaine was Kurt's first love and he hated how he still loves him. "And please don't pick sides... I know you're hiding something from everyone and I want you to have people to support you when I can't be there for you... I just can't be around him right now."

She thought she was hiding her problems well. She guesses her ability to hide her problems from people has gotten worse. The reality was she just has people outside of her parents who care about her. "I won't expect you two to be in the same room and be civil for a while now... I'm also not hiding something from you guys."

Kurt knew Becca was lying- he could just tell. Even before Sam texted him asking if she said anything, he knew something was up with her. "You know if you're going through something you can tell me, right?"

A few moments pass before Becca agrees that she would. She wants to ask if he can get Finn to call her, but bites her tongue on that. "I love you Kurt."

"I love you too Becca."

* * *

	Finn Hudson didn't feel at home until he came back to Lima

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Finn Hudson didn't feel at home until he came back to Lima. He was lost and confused before, but now he had at least a little bit of comfort. There was one issue with being back: Becca.

He has completely ghosted her since joining the army and he felt awful about it. He wanted to talk to her again but just has chickened out every time he went to call her. But he wanted to see her. He needed to see her. Knocking on the door to her house, he had a feeling she wasn't there but took a chance anyway.

Answering the door was Cathy. "Finn?"

"Hi Cathy," he said. "Is Becca home?"

"She should be over any minute, she was dropping off a girl from Cheerio practice."

Cathy invited him in. As much as she was also mad at him for stopping contact with her daughter, she still saw him like a son. The Knight-Van der Berge's were basically family with the Hudson-Hummel's by this point. Cathy also knew how badly that her daughter wanted to see him.

While they waited, the duo caught up until the front door opened. "Hey mom," she called out. "Sorry, but Kitty and I got smoothies together before I dropped her off at her home. How are-" Heading to the kitchen, her keys clattered onto the floor at what she saw. "Finn."

Standing, Finn felt extremely awkward at the moment. "Hey Becca."

Giving the two some space, Cathy left to go to another room of the house. It was safe to stay Becca was in shock. She knew Blaine was back in town and she was choosing to avoid him for a little bit before she would try to comfort him. She was mad at him for what he did to Kurt. "How- How are you?"

"Could be better," he said, sitting back down. "I'm sorry."

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked, still standing and making sure to keep her distance. "You didn't tell me you were leaving and I was worried sick and heartbroken. Why didn't you say goodbye to me? Do you hate me now or something? I thought we were family."

That's not why he said nothing. "I don't hate you... You're my best friend soulmate-person-thing, we are family... If I told you I was joining the army that meant saying goodbye. I don't have a good reason for not telling you but I just couldn't. I barely could tell my mom and Burt. Kurt only found out because he saw my pamphlets... I... I never want to say goodbye to you."

"I don't ever want to say goodbye to you either," she said, finally sitting down. "Just next time you leave, please say something."

Reaching out, he held up a pinkie finger. Linking pinkies, she accepted his promise. Glancing down, she couldn't help but smile seeing that he still had their friendship bracelet on. She still had hers, keeping true to her promise of never taking it off. The two kept talking- homework be damned -catching up on the past three months of their lives they missed out on.

It was as if nothing had changed. 

Author's Note: 

I just wanted to say that for the next couple of chapters (including the bonus chapter that I will post later today), there will be discussion of potentially triggering topics mentioned throughout. I will still include a trigger warning like I have been before each of these chapters but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up here since these chapters are back to back. 

Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! Stay safe everyone! 

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