Raina was the first to wake up. It was still dark, but sun rays were making their way through the sky. It's quite early, she thought. She tried to sit and found Edmund very close to her, and she very close to him. It's strange considering they slept some distance apart the night before, and he now had both arms wrapped around her waist, and her hand was flat against his chest, as her head rested on his shoulder. Butterflies couldn't help overwhelming her stomach, and a blush made its way to her cheeks, confusion permeating her thoughts.
Why is it that when you're trying to push someone away, they just get even closer? She thought. Yes, she wanted to go back to who she was before she met him again, but her decision began to waver. She slowly sat up, keeping in mind not to wake him up. After a few tense seconds, she sat up straight, and stretched her arms, stiff from sleeping on the ground.
The sky was beautiful, dark with flashes of orange and pink, almost like an artist's canvas. Raina couldn't help but gawk at how stunning it was. Through all of the shocks she had coming to Narnia, this calmed her of all of it. She decided to braid her hair, as it got tangled from sleeping on the ground. As she did this, she didn't notice Lucy stirring as well.
'Psst. Raina.' She whispered, as Raina turned around to see Lucy up.
'You wanna..' Raina gestured to the forest, ahead. Lucy nodded, as Raina grabbed her sword and they made their way through the forest, quietly.
The sky changed colours as it became lighter and lighter. They walked some distance from the camp.
'How are you liking Narnia?' She asked, sweetly. Raina smiled.
'A culture shock to me, but it has been wonderful.' Raina replied as Lucy laughed.
'I have to say, Edmund's been a lot happier now that you're back. And don't think I didn't notice youse cuddling together.' Lucy said, smirking. Raina blushed furiously and looked away.
'We weren't cuddling, Lu! It just happened sometime over the night, I did not realise it until this morning.' Raina replied, shyly.
'Suuuuure.' Lucy said, smirking and trying to contain her laughter. Raina swatted her arm.
'Besides, I'm sure he's happy because he's back in Narnia.' Raina maintained, and Lucy gave her a 'yeah right' look.
'He's changed a lot, hasn't he?' Raina asked. Lucy nodded, a tender look in her eyes.
'Lucy, can I ask you something?' Raina said. Lucy nodded.
'What happened the last time you were here? You said you've been here once before. Don't get me wrong, Ed wasn't a complete jerk before but he had his moments, but now he's changed completely.' Raina asked, curiously.
Lucy pursed her lips, and looked down for a moment.
'Oh you don't have to tell me. I was just wondering because..' Raina trailed off.
'Because..?' Lucy asked, when Raina quickly pulled her down behind a rock.
'Wha-' Lucy began but Raina clapped a hand over her mouth, and gave her a warning glare that said 'stay quiet'. Lucy nodded wordlessly, as they peeked out. An animal was walking up.
'What is that?' Raina whispered. 'Is it another wild animal?'
'No, I don't think so. I-I think that's a Narnian.' Lucy whispered.
'Are you sure?'
'Mhmm, look at the armour.'
Lucy was right, the creature walked like a human, and had armour and weapons.
'Okay, we can approach it, but at the slightest sign of trouble we're out of here.' Raina whispered to Lucy, who nodded.
'Stay behind me.' Raina said, as she quietly unsheathed her sword, and brought it forward, cautiously. She inched forward slowly, when a flash of steel caught her off guard, striking her sword.
'Huh?!' Raina yelled in confusion, as the attacker struck her again. Lucy jumped back out of fright.
Raina whirled around and met the eyes of her attacker. He had shoulder length black hair, a kind face whose features were contorted out of anger perhaps. He strikes her again, but this time Raina's ready for it. She parries his attack with her sword.
'RAINA!' Lucy screamed in fear.
By now everyone back at camp has heard Lucy's screams and the clashing of swords. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Edmund to burst into a run, his own sword at the ready, with Peter, Susan and Trumpkin following behind.
Raina wasn't prepared for an attack like this. She hasn't used a sword in over a year, since her father left to fight in the war. Her skills were undoubtedly rusty. She was only getting by with her defenses, and her small figure made it easy for her to evade her opponent's attacks, who was taller and stronger. She realised her best shot was to outsmart him.
He struck low, near her feet, which she jumped over, and she struck him from the side. He parried, and tried to sling her sword out of the way, and disarm her. His strength forced her back, as she tried to evade. As she tried to disarm him, she tripped on some roots, and fell backwards. Before she could get up, someone else joined the fray. It was Peter. Before Raina could rejoin the fight, someone stood in her way.
'Oh, you are not going back in there.' Edmund told her. She narrowed her eyes.
'Who are you to tell me what to do?' She asked, her eyebrow raised. Now Edmund narrowed his eyes at her, and was about to fire off another witty remark when Lucy yelled,
'No, stop!'
Both Peter and this unknown man stopped fighting, and now stared at Lucy. As they did so, tens, if not, hundreds of human/animal species gathered around the fight. Raina recognised some of them as minotaurs and centaurs. She noticed badgers and even more dwarves. Her eyes were the size of saucers by this point.
Peter now had his own sword pointed at him, by his opponent. Something clicked together in his mind.
'Prince Caspian?' Peter asked.
The man squinted his eyes before answering.
'Yes? And who are you?'
'Peter!' Susan yelled, as she and Trumpkin joined Edmund, Raina and Lucy, and stood side by side. They gawked at the Narnians that had gathered.
Prince Caspian looked at the Pevensie siblings, and then looked down at Peter's sword. He faced Peter again with a surprised expression.
'High King Peter.' He breathed out.
'I believe you called.' Peter replied.
'Well, yes but, I thought you'd be older.' Caspian admitted.
'Well if you like, we can come back in a few years.' Peter sassed. Raina snorted quietly, pleasantly surprised.
'No! No, that's alright..' Caspian began. 'You're just.. You're not exactly what I expected.' He spoke as he faced each of the siblings. Raina noticed his gaze linger on Susan for a moment longer than necessary. She hid a knowing smirk.
'Neither are you.' Edmund spoke, eyeing a minotaur standing a few ways away from him.
'A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes.' A badger wisely spoke.