Chapter 6: Walking The Fine Line

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Bracing yourself for what you knew was about to come, you took a deep breath, smoothed down your skirt and let yourself in to Cinderella's room. Unsurprisingly, she was already up and sat on the ledge by the window, looking down across the palace grounds. She looked peaceful, contemplative. In her long, flowing nightgown, blonde hair cascading down her shoulders despite not yet having been properly styled, she looked almost like a princess. How deceiving looks could be.

"What time do you call this?" she asked harshly, not bothering to turn to face you. "How hard is it to do as you're told and arrive on time?"

"Begging your pardon, my lady," you said, forcing yourself to retain some semblance of dignity. Cinderella was like this every morning, even when you were on time. There was always something that you were doing wrong or some task that could be done better, or quicker. But you took it in your stride for the money you were earning was considerably more than you had gotten in the kitchens. It was supporting Inga's growing business and that seemed a good enough reason to put up with Cinderella's attitude.

Placing a small bowl of fruit on the table, knowing that she wouldn't touch any of it anyway, you asked, "How can I help you this morning?"

"I need you to draw me a bath. I am to meet Odin and the princes for a late breakfast and I can hardly turn up smelling like the help."

Ignoring her comments, you set about running her a bath and whilst she soaked you laid out her clothes for the day. As you pressed the soft fabric, you thought that maybe this wouldn't be such a bad job if only you had someone a little kinder to tend to. Like your fairy god mother, perhaps.

You hadn't thought of her since the night of the ball, three weeks ago, and immediately felt bad for not thinking of her. How had she fared when the palace was attacked? Had she, like the rest of the court, heard fantastical tales of how you fought of the enemy? Would she think you reckless? Perhaps the most ridiculous question on your mind was: did she want her dress back? You weren't sure why it mattered so much - she'd had hundreds of others, after all - but it felt wrong to keep the poor woman's dress.

Making a mental note to ask around about her - something which would certainly be difficult, since you didn't actually know the kind noble's name - you felt relieved that at least if she did want her gown back that the royal cleaners had been able to remove the blood stains and fix all the tears. Thor had been right; they really could work miracles after battle.

Your thoughts of the beautiful and kind noble woman were pushed from your mind as your own beautiful and not so kind (possible not even noble) woman strode back into the main bedroom. She wore no towel to cover herself, favouring instead to dry naturally as she so called it. You knew she did it in an attempt to embarrass you but it hardly bothered you. It was nothing you'd never seen before. The upper class of Asgard rarely exhibited inhibitions when it came to physical intimacy so you'd seen your fair share of... well, everything throughout your time at the palace.

"Are you going to stand there staring all day or help me get ready?"

"Is there a third choice?" you mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear. Cinderella didn't grace you with a response and you were convinced that you caught the ghost of a smile on her lips. It didn't surprise you that she found your insubordination amusing. At least you had a back bone. Other servants around the palace bent over backwards for the new princess to be and, as much as she clearly adored the attention, Cinderella also seemed to take pleasure in the way you pushed back against her. You were a challenge.

Standing behind her and helping lace up her corset, you tugged harshly down on the soft cords and felt a smug satisfaction as Cinderella stumbled backwards. "Must you be so heavy handed, girl?"

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