Name: Luky
Age: 500
Species: Guardian Bear
Gender: Cis Female
Height: 4 ft 7 in
Introduction From Her: "Dia dhuit, guys! I'm Luky Clovers, and yes I'm Irish! I'm also Ray's best friend and protector. Yeah, I'm usually the one who protects Ray, mainly at school since his pop and dad are protective of him when me and Ray are outside of it. I'm described as tomboyish and a little spunky. Hell yeah it's true! It's...a little detrimental though, at least in my opinion. Ya see, my parents wanted a boy, big woop. Then when I was born, they were disappointed but then suddenly became happy when I showed off my tomboyish traits. I even complained as a kid when my hair got too long, and I guess they were grateful for that because they got the son they wanted, in a way. I grew to really hate it as I got older. I found out one day that they had been using he/him pronouns for me whenever they talked about me to their friends. It fucking hurts, I thought they really loved me as their daughter, but no! They only see me as the son that never was! AAAGH!!! ...Anyway, I'll be signing off, slán."