Unknown NumberHey this is Ivy's number right?
Depends on who's asking?🤨
Well I don't think you really want
to know who this is considering
you blocked my last number...
Then no this isn't
Ivy. Have good day. :)
Can you stop being immature
for a second I just want to talk
2:17pmThis is Josh btw.
Listen I'm not really in the
mood to talk rn. I'm busy.
Well I just wanted to say I meant
to say hi at the party yesterday
but I just got distracted and
welcome back.
Jeez thanks Josh.
And I want to put whatever
drama we had last year behind
us and restart. I want to be friends
again Ivy.
Idk Josh I need to think
about it.
I get it. Just know that I'm
here for you and I've changed
a lot this past year.read at 2:27pm
2:30pmI roll my eyes while flopping my phone on my couch. I knew he was full of bullshit and I wasn't going to let him hurt me again. I wasn't going to let anyone ever hurt me again. I was young and innocent a year ago when I knew nothing about Hollywood and this whole fake social media world but like Josh I also changed a lot this past year.
Today was a rainy day, my head was also thumping from the hangover. I was currently watching Monte Carlos, one of my favourite comfort movies while drinking some hot chocolate.
I'm about to fall asleep when a loud crack of thunder rings outside. I sigh trying to get comfy again. Truth is I've been feeling weird all day. I can't stop thinking about Hub, I mean this boy is one of the most beautiful guys I've ever seen and I made a total fool of myself in front of him.
But that's not the only thing I'm thinking about. I just want to see him in person again and I don't know why. Why is this guy making me act up like this. God I hate the feelings you get when you realize you're crushing on someone. Wait do I have a crush on Hub? No. I don't even know him and I've barely had a conversation with him. I refuse to allow myself to have a crush on this boy.
I groan and get up to get more Advil and then I doze off while trying to think about anything but him.
————————————————————Unknown Number
Hey Ivy, it's Vinnie! I just
wanted to invite you to my
birthday party at my place on
the 14th. Hope you can come,
I'd love to see you again. :)
9:55pmHi Vinnie, I'll be there
for sure thanks for the
invite! :)
11:30amHub's Pov:
"Ivy Collins" was the name on the credit card I found on the ground in my bedroom. Shit so that was really her last night.
She was a mess to be honest. Her eyes were droopy, hair was messy and her makeup was smudged. I didn't even recognize her right away, a face that I had probably seen thousands of times before on my phone. I felt bad for her though. I regret not offering any help and just standing there like an idiot. I hope she made it home ok.
My thoughts are interrupted by my phone dinging.
Hey babe, we still meeting
at the diner at 1 tomorrow?
Of course.❤️
————————————————————an: idk why some of the writing format is fucked up?🤷🏻♀️

WASTED - Hubert Smielecki
Fanfiction" I had a flashback of something that never happened." SLOW BURN