*Kats POV*
I can hear but I can't move. Every word that has been said in the hospital room I can hear.
I have tried moving but I just can't do it.
"I don't know if he can make it. If she stays like this I'm sorry but he might hurt himself, more than he has already,"me hearing his mother saying those words made me panic.
He's hurt himself!
He might die!
All because of me!
I can feel my heart beat go faster, I hear the heart monitor quicken.
"Kat! Kat! Someone call Luke!" My hearing is fading.
I feel like I'm being lifted up.
I see a light.
I'm pulled into the light.
"Hello dear." It's the moon goddess. She looks lovely as ever. The way her blonde hair flows, and her white dress.
"Hi?" I know not the most formal way to address her but I don't care.
"Your probably wondering what your doing here."
No I'm not.
"Yes I am wondering."
"Well from here on out it's all up to you. Wether you live or die." She explains.
"I'm here to show you what will happen if you take the choice of dying, let's go."
She grabs my hand and we both see Eve.
"How could she leave us like that!" She yells at Tyler and hits him.
"It's not fair!"
Eve looks a mess. Her hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in years, I guess she smells, all the makeup is running down her face. He clothes are the ones that I said looked the best on her. She's holding a photo of her and I in her hand.
Seeing Eve like this hurts. She was my best friend, she tells me everything. I haven't known her very long but I trust her and I hope she trusts me too. She's always been there for me, helping me out. She is one of the best people you could ever meet. Her amazing personality, smile, her laugh. How she can put a smile on your face no matter what mood your in. Tyler is so luckly.
Thinking about this makes me upset. Knowing that I should give up...
"Hey, we're not finished yet.. And stop thinking like that."
I see her take my hand again and now I see Toby.
He looks so much worse than Eve. Dark bags under his eyes, his skin really pale, his hair has gone darker, and his clothes hasn't changed.
I see him holding my purple top, and hugging Jake.
"There was so much to learn about her." He says sobbing into Jake
"I know love." Jake responds
"I didnt get to tell her..." He fades off.
What did he want to tell me? I wonder.
"Hey Kat? Are you ok?" Rose (a.k.a The Moon Goddess) asks.
"Um yeah... No.I'm not ok." I reply sadly.
"Whats on your mind?"
"Its just... I ughhh. I think I should give up. Like Luke said, he can have a new Luna at the click of his fingers. Like there are so many better people, prettier people out there than me. Why me? Why do I, the mute bitch, have to be the sex god's mate?" I rant.
"Okay Kat. You seriously have to wake up! Can't you see that Luke wants you! There is no one, and I mean no one out there is prettier than you in Luke's eyes. You are the best person Luke sees! Why you? Because I paired you two together, because as soon as you were born I knew instantly to make you Luke's mate. Your not a mute bitch, you are stronger than that Kat, by heaps. You are given this life because your strong enough to live it! Kat they need you! They love you!" Her deep words sink in.
"Oh.. And there's one more person." She continued.
I take her hand and I we see Luke.
I'm standing at the end of his bed.
I see him sitting on his bed, with his head in his hands.
I also see holes all through the walls, chairs ripped, wood everywhere, the bed sheets ripped, his clothes ripped, the couch is flipped over, glass on the floor and a hole in TV.
And I thought Toby and Eve were bad!.
I finally see Lukes face. Cuts all over it, bags under his eyes, his eyes not his normal colour, his hair is a lot darker, and cuts on his lips.
His knuckles are all bloody and cut.
I hear the door open and I turn my attention to the door.
It's Luke's mum.
"Luke honey?" His mum says sweetly
"What?" His voice comes out rough. I flinch and take a step back.
"You have to get out of this room, its been two months now." She tries to convince him.
"No." He simply answers.
"Luke! Kat wouldn't want you moping around, and keeping your self unhealthy, and sulking about her. Would she? She would want you to go out find new love, make new memories, and smile, being happy." She says moving next to him patting and rubbing his back.
"How mother! Find new love? I love Kat! New memories, be happy, smile? How can I do that when she's not here? The only thing that can make me happy is her!" He yells standing up and walking out.
It hurt so much, like my heart was being ripped to shreds seeing him like that.
"Hey Kat there's something I have to say to you." Rose tells
"What?" Concern coming into my voice
"Luke... After that he changes.. It's not a good change though. It's a bad change, a very bad change. He turns ruthless. Goes around attacking packs, killing every little rouge, orders people to do things they don't want to do. Kat he needs you!" She says convincing me.
Letting my mind take in everything.
My brain has finally woken up and realized that they need me, as much as I need them.
"I want to go back." I say looking up at the moon goddess
"Kat don't go back if you don't want to, or I've convinced you. It's your choice."
"Yes Rose I know, but I need them, and I want them. They make me happy, and bring out the real me. I need them. I want to go back." I finalize.
"Very well. Until next time Kat." She fades away.
I feel like I'm falling.
Wait I'm falling!
The heart monitor comes back to my ears.