𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 13

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Kaitos POV

The class has already started and Rory's still not here, it doesn't feel like the class has started though, the room is loud, the teacher has her head in a book, and everyone is on their phones or talking. This wasn't how class was yesterday?

My eyes are fixed on the classroom door ready for Rory to walk in. "Isn't this you're boyfriend and that Aurora chick?" I hear the boy that sits next to me say, he moves his phone close to me pointing at something.

My boyfriend? Rory?

The boy who looks way too old to be a high school senior shoves his phone in my face, the phone is opened to the Instagram app, on the school's drama account, but his phone is small and has a cracked screen to the point where I can't see anything, I move the guy's hand back a little so I can see what he's talking about. The classroom only gets louder, with Rory and Elijah's names in everyone mouth.

The video starts with a black screen until someone says something. "Record this bro!"

Elijah says standing up from his seat looking angry, the camera pans in on Rory getting up from her seat as well with a smile on her face, the person holding the camera follows Elijah as he walks up to Rory quickly, once he's close to her he stares at my shirt looking angry before taking the shirt into his hands.

His words are unclear, the camera quality is shaky, but their bodies are still distinguishable. He pushes Rory into a corner. "God, you're such a fucking whore, stealing what's always been mine. Kait has never been into girls I don't know why you're trying so hard to make him straight when he's clearly not."

His words make me cringe, everything he said was wrong; Rory is not a whore, I am not his, and I am straight.

Rory's mouth is moving but you can't hear her say anything, Elijah pushes her further into the corner to where you can no longer see her, he leans into her ear whispering something.

I take my eyes off the guy's phone having seen enough. "Wait, you haven't seen the best part yet bro."

"I don't want to." I dismiss him.

I'm lying, I do want to see what happens next, I also want to drag Elijah across the pavement, strangle him, then beat him up some more.

He has so much fucking audacity spreading rumours of us being in a romantic relationship together then harassing the girl he knows I like. He pulls bullshit like this all the time expecting me to want to be friends with him after everything he does, but not this time, this time I won't go back to him.

All this time he's been telling people we're dating while fucking the whole school and keeping all the girls I've actually liked away from me, now one girl that I really like gives me the time of day, he does this shit. He needs to stay in his place. A best friends place.

I pull out my phone to try and get a better look at what actually happened, as I'm on the Instagram account, I see an earlier post of Rory and me. It's a picture taken from a weird angle of us leaning against her locker playing with each other's hands, we have bright smiles and blushes on our faces. It's a cute picture of us, but it's kind of creepy. 

The caption is titled. "Kaito Yamamoto and Instagram baddie Aurora Mckinney are all booed up this morning! 👀👀"

I roll my eyes at the lack of privacy and amount of uncalled-for hashtags under the post, the caption was so unnecessary. I scroll until I see their latest post where they've tagged me, Elijah, and Rory. I look at the video closer to see that Rory bites Elijah before running out of the classroom with tears on her face.


As the video ends the classroom door opens, I bring my head up in hopes to see her. She stands with an unsteady smile on her face holding the corner of my shirt tightly, she catches her breath looking around the classroom.

I stand up quickly walking over to her, I take her hands into mine examining her body for any scratches, blood or out of place bones. Everything that Elijah's done to her, I'll do to him.  

She sighs once the teacher asks her if she needs to go to the office, before she could say anything the principal calls for her and Elijah over the intercom. "Do you want Kaito to come with you Aurora?"

We both nod our heads; I don't know why I did, the teacher asked Rory. I pull Rory and me out the door, the office is a long way from here so we have time to talk.

"Are you okay?" I ask for the second time, she nods her head.

"I need to hear you, Rory."

"Yes, I'm fine Kai." She mumbles quietly, I sigh, it wasn't my intention to cause her more stress. We walk through the halls together closely, our hands intertwined with the other, her head hanging low as if she's ashamed.

I stop walking while she continues walking until I pull her back to where I was, she wasn't getting the memo. We should be in a rush to get to the office, but we're not instead we stand near a classroom that's only a corner away from the office.

"You know the rumours of me being gay aren't true right? And I'm most defiantly not dating Elijah Martin or anyone else." I wanted her to know that I want her and only her.

"I figured so, you don't have to explain yourself to me though." I sigh feeling a little reassurance knowing that Rory doesn't believe whatever she hears from random people. 

I lean against the wall with my arms crossed trying to catch any sign of emotions from Rory, I want to know how she's feeling, her head still hangs low even as she takes her braids down from the half up half down style they were in. She comes up to me and I open my arms for her to walk into, she hugs me burying her face in my chest.

I flatten out the scattered braids on her head. "I'm so sorry he did this to you, Rory, he's such a fucking loser always doing stupid shit. I wish I was there to protect you, but just know that I'm going to beat him up the next time I see him." I say kissing the top of her head.

"No, there's no need for all that Kai," Rory laughs.

"Yes, there is a need, he's been doing this shit since grade 9, it's about time I put him in his place." 

"I really don't want you getting in trouble because of me, it's not worth it." She looks up at me with a desperate look in her eyes, her big brown eyes that hold so much power over me, they're beautiful and complement her glowing skin so well. Rory could say the most out of pocket shit than give me this look and I would agree to whatever she had said with no hesitation.

I look away hesitantly. "I'll be the one to decide if it's worth it or not, Rory." 

She puts her head back into my chest. "I really don't wanna go to the office," she says changing the topic. Honestly, I had forgotten that I was supposed to be taking her to the office right now.

"Could Aurora McKinney and Elijah Martin make their way to my office immediately!?" I guess Elijah had forgotten too, Rory groans pulling herself away from me.

"Let's get this over with, I didn't do anything wrong anyway."

"Yeah, except for biting him," I say laughing, she rolls her eyes playfully laughing with me.

"I only bite him because he wasn't letting go of my shirt, I didn't want the hole to get any bigger," she says frowning.

"Your shirt?" the only shirt I see on her is mine.

"Yeah, it's my shirt now, I'm stealing it," Rory smiles brightly, I shake my head, but I can't help the smile and blush that creeps up on my face, I like the idea of Rory in my clothes.

I can picture Rory bent over the kitchen counter of our home, all she wears is a shirt of mine lifted up to show her black panties that cover her wet pretty pussy lips, she teasingly waves her ass in the air so desperate for my cock.

Rory's soft hands on mine bring me out of my thoughts. "C'mon let's go in now," she says dragging me across the corner and into the office doors. 

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

AN: excuse any mistakes plzzz, i wrote this at 3 am while half asleep and also we're at 540 readssss ahhh that's so close to 1k, thank you everyone for even giving my book the chance!!!

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