Chapter 29: Alea

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My heart races and my blood rushes in my ears, drowning out the sound as my too big tennis shoes beat the pavement with a fury.

Adrenaline and fear are powering my legs as I sprint down the faded asphalt road.

No time to cry.

No time to pray.

No time to die.

Just run.

I sharpen my senses, and when I hear a car, I sprint into the woods. I can't trust anyone. Every woman knows the most dangerous animal is a man. I have to rescue myself. Once I'm safe, I'll find my friends.

I feel the rage building inside as I hide from the car and catch my breath leaning against a pine tree. He's going to find out He messed with the wrong suburbia princess.

Regina said there are two kinds of people in this world; the wolves and the sheep. His mistake was assuming I was the latter.

Guess what, sweetheart, I'm not just going to break your bones; I'm going to make you cry and break your mind. You're going to wish you'd never picked me. I will never be caged.

I stay close to the road, but I'm hidden in the tree line. I start running again and I miss my mother, the fiercest woman I've ever known and my little brother, my comfort.

I miss the two people in my life that always make me feel safe and okay. The only people that I know I couldn't live without. I also miss Ash. If he's alive, he is, he has to be. I know he'll be frantic. I have to go to them. Never give up, just like my mother always said.

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