So amethyst went home, feeling like thoroughly pleased with herself for achieving her lifelong dream. Although there was a little niggle, should she have...... , no. She banished that thought to the back of her mind. So Amethyst became famous. The only dampener on the rejoicement was that occasionally a shriek would be heard, and a faery left on a doorstep. All were puzzled. No, not all, all but amethyst. For miles away, the answer was clear as a crystal goblet, the vampire was not destroyed. She was simply banished, because that one word, that single syllable word, have turned amethysts heart. She had been filled with pity. So on a far off mountain that vampire was recovering, and when she was ready, when she was strong, she would return.
VampireVampire and faery story, Completely fantasy, all thought up by moi! Please comment with feedback because I'm entering it in a short story compitition and I really really really want to win.