Creature- Younghoon

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Ever since the creature crawled out of the lake, the whole town had begun to show their true colors. The uncertainty, the fear, and the fascination conbined into a potent cocktail that brought out the best in some, the worst in others. The creature was coming out of the ocean very slowly. I can't tell how big it was yet.

I hold onto Younghoon's arm tightly. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little frightened. The whole beach around us is alive with people watching and whispering to each other.

Younghoon and I were walking along when we heard the first scream. Someone swimming in the water had discovered this creatures head bobbing on the surface and so they began to scream. The beach slowly began to gather more and more people.

Looking around at everyone I could tell who were the ones that are going to kill it at any instant. I could also tell who were the ones that were more curious than anything.

The creature finally has it's whole body out of the water. Its huge. Its the real life Nessi. All I can do is stare at it. It towers over all of us, but it seems to not want to do any harm to us.

"Let's kill it." Someone nearby says. I hear a couple agreements. Younghoon looks around and then at me. He pulls away from me and hurries to the front where the creature is. He faces the crowd.

"Why do we have to kill it? It has shown us no harm!" Younghoon says to the crowd.

"We don't know what that thing could do!" A man speaks up.

"And that's a reason to kill it? Wow.. we're all so.. so.. heartless." Younghoon says. I nod in agreement with him. I decide to join him and I walk up to the front. I stand next to him. 

"He's right! This creature," I turn to look at it and it leans its head down towards me. I smile. "Deserves a chance." I say. Younghoon smiles at me.

"That thing could kill us all!" Another man hisses at us.

"If it wanted to kill us it would have already killed us all by now." Younghoon says. The creature leans its head all the way down to me. I slowly bring my hand up and lay it on its skin. The crown around us gasps.

"Does it look like a killer?" I ask the crowd as I softly pet the creature. It has its eyes closed and it is lightly vibrating as if its happy.

"Its your fault if it turns into a killer." Someone mutters. Younghoon shrugs.

"So be it."

The crowd starts to thin out and disappear. Younghoon holds his hand out and softly pets the creature with me. We both look at each other and smile.



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