Chapter 16

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Haruto cleared his throat before knocking on his mother's door.

"Haruto? Is that you?"

Jace reached over Haruto's head and pushed the door open. "It is, mama."

Iseul was sitting up in bed, Ilya beside her, and both of Haruto's sisters sat in front of the window, reading and crocheting, respectively. Several of their dogs were about the room, one even in his mother's lap.

"Dad followed Jace and me. Did you know that?"

Her face fell. "No, I didn't, but I had my suspicions. Did you still manage to marry?"

"That's the thing, mama." Haruto sat beside her on the bed and took her hands. "Dad was there at the wedding! He witnessed it, and then testified before the court! You should have seen the look on their faces."

"I'm sure it was something." Ilya mused. Somehow, in just the past few days his hair and sideburns had become greyer. Tips of silver hung out of the bottom of his small beard.

"We were just talking about your second wedding."

"What should the color scheme be?" Iseul asked. "Dark or light?"

"Haruto looks absolutely ravishing in white." Jace put in, a slight flush on his cheeks. He started to wonder if it actually never left.

"We can all wear light pastel colors to go with it!" Exclaimed Anthénaïs, putting down her crochet. Her sister, too, looked up from her book.

"I just want there to be flowers. I want an even better flower crown this time. And Anthénaïs can do my nails. Maybe you could even make me a new tunic, mama?"

"I can try." She assured him. "I- haven't been well, lately. I mean, even worse than usual."

"What's going on?" Haruto asked, nervously.

"Your mother's developed neuro-muscular problems." Ilya explained.

"Just like me?"

"Mine are different, sweetheart. I've become anemic. The limited blood I have just isn't enough to take care of my whole body. Sometimes I just... can't move anything."

Haruto leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his mother. "Then please don't strain yourself."

"I won't." Iseul assured him, and the small dog in her lap pressed its wet nose to Haruto's arm, making him smile.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing and to help along the plans. If that's over, then Jace and I-" he gestured for the door, and both of his sisters giggled.

Ilya just raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I suppose I need not remind you that even two men still need protection?"

The insinuation was enough that even Haruto blushed. "Of course, Baba. I'll see you all again soon."

"Have fun!" Anthénaïs called, giggling again.

Haruto scurried away as best he could, Jace following behind. Haruto's door was hardly shut behind them before he whirled into Jace, dropping his crutches and throwing himself into his arms.

"Hold me."

"I will." Jace assured him, running a hand through Haruto's hair. "Do you want to take a nap, or a bath, or just to be held?"

"I just want to be held." Haruto agreed. "And maybe kissed a little bit."


"Yeah." Haruto's arms wrapped around Jace's neck, and his legs around Jace's waist, allowing him to be just the right level to kiss him.

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