Chapter 2

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Emerson's overgrown, sleek, black hair shielded his tan flesh. He watched as his new maid visibly shook. Did his appearance really resemble that of a beast? He found himself wondering.

Winter shifted her balance between feet. The heat of his gaze was uncomfortably intense. Her small fingers clutched the worn fabric of the only dress she owned. This would be the reason for her not having any luggage, Winter never had personal items.

Emerson was the first to break the silence. A loud, hoarse growl erupted from his body, though it was supposed to just be a clear cough this seemingly scared the young girl even more.

The fire was cracking even louder now in the silence. Unknowingly, Winter had moved slightly closer to the warmth. She looked up to see if Emerson was going to initiate the conversation, or perhaps he would dismiss her.

"Sit." Emerson's voice came out demanding, laced with the heat that came with late night drinking. Winter, shocked by the tone of his voice whipped her head around the room. Determining the only seats were the two chairs in front of the blazing embers. She looked at the chair as if asking for permission to sit.

Emerson nodded. He wanted nothing more than to not see this girl again. Her radiating innocence angered him. Though he wondered her name, he could no longer stand to see her.

Winter sat down carefully, the leather chair engulfed her small frame, instantly. She wondered why, if they were to talk, would she be facing where he could not see her.

The fire popped viciously. Now the only sounds were the fire and the breathing of two creatures, purity personified, and a beastly, misunderstood man.

The beast was nothing literal, only the beast was within. Winter herself would not call herself pure, which adds to her purity. Everyone sins, it's human nature. Even the purest of hearts have their temptations.

"What is your name?" The low voice of the beast questioned. Winter shook more now, she was certain if she talked, she would sound pitifully weak. She took in a swoosh of air, as she prepared to speak.

"Winter Pierce." A soft English accent laced her angelic voice. Emerson could feel the sound waves of every word she spoke. The vibrations rattling his chest. He wanted to hear it again.

After the pure silence returned, Winter was scared she must have done something wrong. She had only said her name, why had he not cared to respond yet?

As of interrupting her thoughts, Emerson began to talk. "Winter, there are many other rooms in the estate." He said in a deep, monotone voice. He wanted nothing more, but to begone of her, though something about just her voice vexed him greatly.

She gulped not sure of how to reply, he didn't say get out. She assumed that is what Emerson meant. Winter was a people pleaser, she couldn't say no. This was not always the best trait to have. She knew it had been freezing in the rest of the estate, she wanted to say no. She wanted to tell him, but more importantly she sought to what others wanted first.

  She stood up carefully. She did not move, she didn't want to loose any unnecessary heat. "Goodnight, sir." Her small voice was on the verge of trembles. Her dress was still wet, even after hugging the fire. The beast said nothing more as he waved his non-glass filled hand to dismiss Winter.

The hallway was considerably alit due to the candles and large glass ceiling. The moon and the stars were visible tonight and it warmed her heart being able to see something so beautiful even in the darkest of places.

The end of the corridor was approaching and Winter opened the second to last door. The door handle was cold to the touch, she instantly pulled her hand back as if the door had burnt her. From inside the room, she could tell it was not too dirty. There was a large closet to her left. She opened the double doors and found a spare pillow, sheets, and a thick comforter.

Preparing the bed, helped with maintaining a smidge more body heat. It was fading slowly. Winter didn't want to sleep in her undergarments, but with her dress still wet, it was too much of a risk of getting sick.

  A wall that stood between the two huge windows that lit the room dimly and held a mirror. Winter's reflection was shaking and fragile. She hadn't yet seen herself in a mirror this size not  since her childhood.

She slowly peeled the dress off her freezing body, instantly wondering if it was a good idea. Goosebumps grew upon her pale skin. Her body resembled that of a small child, she was twenty three and she couldn't help but feel not womanly enough.

The reflection of a girl with waist length blonde hair, the kind of color blonde that matched her ice, pale flesh. Doe eyes the color of spring, ironic, because her name was a different season. Her small chest was covered with a simple white bra, lower she wore a matching pair of plain knickers.

Her eyes traced her body, she managed to find a brush in the vanity on the other side of the room. She combed her hair out of her face, and sat the brush down. Her body was now unbelievably freezing. The fire place was stationed in front of her bed. She climbed into bed and pulled the sheet and comforter around her.

She knew during this time of year there needed to be a fire in almost every room, or at least the heat on, if not, it could risk a pipe bursting. She would start more fires, but first she may need to learn how to make one. Winter's grip on the comforter dismantled as she slowly faded out of consciousness in the freezing room.

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