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"What was that?"

"Freedom. A 'thank you' would be nice."


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Eyes on target. Waiting for the package." The pale, blonde Widow announced to the others while their snipper focused on their target. "I have sights on collateral one." Another, brunette widow responded as they crouched on a roof, opposite of the original.

Inside the room, a man handed their target a small case filled with a substance the widows weren't briefed on. "Firing in place of three." Widow one warned the others and began to count down from five. As she counted, a flock of birds flew off, children were released for recess and the target spotted the second widow and ran. 

"She made us. Target deployed smoke." Declared the compromised one while the target released a smoke bomb to hide themselves and escape. Irritated, the first widow left their sniper and began to move to the floor while reporting. "She's on foot with the package. Stay high. I'm going to ground."

She quickly repelled down the wall and into a building the target was going to walk past. The target had their head turned to look behind them when they were hit by the blond widow using a door. Luckily, for the assassin there was a taxi driving down the alley that hit the target, knocking the package out of their hand.

The target recovered quickly and lunged for the black case and the widow met them after she grabbed the handle. Punches were traded by the brunette and blonde but the latter sliced the other with a small blade giving them a disadvantage. She attempted to limp away but was stopped when the widow tried to punch their injured side.

The brunette was able to use the case to her advantage and strove to dislocate the widows right arm but was stabbed in the gut when she dropped the blade into her other hand. Ruthlessly, the widow twisted the knife in their targets abdomen and sliced the rest of her side while taking the night out.

Out of pain, the target fell onto her opponents shoulder only to be brushed off onto the ground as the blonde panted and stood up. While the widow wasn't looking she was able to reach her hand into the case and remove a red vial from the bunch. As the widow went to turn her over and finish her job she was hit in the face by the crimson substance.

Yelena Belova backed away from her target as she was disorientated by the sudden emotions, memories and thoughts that rushed forward like a river through a crack in a dam. She tried to recover but was only able to when she noticed her target writhing in pain on the pavement below her.

The person beneath her was Oksana, her old widow partner that had defected. Yelena placed her hands over the wounds she gave and started to mutter regretfully. Oksana opened up her old partners' hand and placed the vial used on her in her hands. "What did I do?" Yelena's question was obviously rhetorical.

She knew what she did, she was freed, she wasn't given amnesia. The former widow used her dying words to tell her to free the other widows like she was freed and how she freed her. As Yelena cried in shock above the dead women her new partners voice came on over their comms.

"Yelena, we need a status report." The widow was ignored as the blond placed the vial back in the case and closed it again. As the brunette widow waited for a response the other grunted as she stabbed her thigh and reached in to remove a tracker. 

"Yelena, we need a status report." She repeated as she continued to look for the widow in question. Yelena just continued to disregard her and limped away. "Converge on team leader. General Dreykov, we have a deserter. Permission to activate Taskmaster Protocol?" The widow, Ingrid, regarded their general as he stared at a screen displaying Yelena Belova's face.

As the woman in question was limping away she bumped into a small figure she didn't notice was in front of her at first. "Hand me the package Belova." A thick Russian accent came from the young girl she nearly knocked over that didn't match her appearance at all.

The adolescent girl stuck out her hand waiting to be handed the black case, when Yelena hesitated they groaned and rolled their eyes. "Belova we don't have all day, give me the package and I might let you come with me." Yelena raised her eyebrows and breathed heavily as she took a step away from the youthful girl.

Suddenly, the youthful girl was no more. Her pale skin changed into an entirely different complexion, she grew two feet taller, their hair went from long blond and curly to short black and straight, their face was replaced with one she recognized immediately.

 "Astraea?" The blonde questioned as she rubbed her eyes to make sure she was really seeing the dead. "Yes Belova. Well done, you have eyes. Let's go before they realize you've defected too." This time, the brunette forcefully grabbed the case from the blonde and stormed off.

The clueless woman followed after the other, jogging to catch up with them. Through laboured breaths she spoke again. "What was that?" Yelena's green eyes analysed every little detail about the person in front of them who she had thought to be dead for three years. 

"Freedom. A 'thank you' would be nice." They responded sarcastically as they easily removed a man hole and gestured for the other to go ahead of them. The two locked eyes and had a silent conversation through little eyebrow movements. Yelena groaned as she lost the unspoken argument and jumped down into the disgusting sewer, Astraea following.


A/N: Sup all, that is chapter 1 of my new book done. Should I have finished my Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes fics before starting this one? Yes. Am I going to finish them soon? Hopefully but lets be realistic. Anyways, I ADORE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS FOR BEING YOURSELVES EACH AND EVERYDAY. DON'T FORGET TO EAT FOOD, DRINK WATER, SLEEP AND TAKE MEDICATION IF YOUR DOCTOR TOLD YOU TO.

-Sincerely, Bee.

❅MASKS.  Yelena Belova.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن