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~loverboy 23.~


"Pshh, whatever." You and Suna both said in unison. "That girl clearly won't do shit." The two of you yet again said together. As a reaction to the you looked at each other both amazed but confused. The two you turned your heads away.

"Ok Anna and Hans. I see y'all." Trinity said with a smile on her face. "I'm telling y'all I like y/n."

"Umm it was Kristoff not Hans or whoever you said." Atsumu corrected Trinity, and for someone who was wrong he had a pretty smug look on his face. "No dumbass it was Hans." Osamu said to Atsumu who then started to argue. "Look, Kita look it up."

"You have your own phone." Kita rolled his eyes, but continued to pull his phone out.

"Hey Y/n wanna go somewhere?" Suna tapped on my hand.

"Hmm? Where?"

"I don't know, like... let me see your schedule." He removed one of his legs from underneath the table. Placing it on the other side of the seat so that he could face you. You picked your bag from up off the ground opening it to pull out the piece of paper. "What you wanna show me around the school? That's cute."

"Suna is not cute Y/n. You don't have to lie to him." Yuto said.

"He is very cute. Just look at him." You gently turned his head to them. "Smile Rintaro." He began to smile an awkward one though. Which made all of you laugh. "You're supposed to be cute. You look.... constipated."

"Whatever, let me show you around I guess." He stood up and waited for you.

"Ok, ok." You picked up your legs and swung them around standing up. Suna picked up your bag and swung it onto his shoulder. Everyone raised their eyebrows at him shocked from his sudden act. You sarcastically gasped, "What a gentleman."

"Anna ain't gon like this one." Aran said as he and Kita laughed.

"She is not going to like this one." Kita said putting his phone his pocket.

"Anna as in the girl from the video?" You asked reviving nodds from them.

"Yeah, she's liked Suna for a couple months now." Osamu took the gum out his mouth putting it into the wrapper then throwing it in the trash. "Rintaro never took interest in her though. Blocked her on most things."

"Yet, she still likes me. And still tries to talk to me." Suna claimed with the sound of annoyance pinned in his voice. Anna who was a prune girl. Yet had plenty of "friends." Most of them who were of course fake to her just as much as she was to them. Especially her old friend Aaliyah, expect Aaliyah wasn't fake to Anna. In fact Aaliyah used to buy Anna multiple gifts for no reason even. Aaliyah paid for half of Anna's $1000 laptop. She'd always drive Anna to the prison where her mom was. If Anna needed Aaliyah she was there for her. But was Anna the complete opposite.

Anna was the ultimate shit talker. As well was she the ultimate piece of shit. And Carlos the boy who recorded her, was the ultimate dick rider. He liked Anna since they were in the seventh grade, even went to Inarizaki high just to be with her. I mean after all she wouldn't have been accepted in the school if it wasn't for him right? Which is correct, she only had those "perfect" grades because of him. But he failed to understand that she was merely using him.

"Well that's just too bad. Come on Little Bear." You put your hands on his upper back pushing him forward. "See ya later."



~loverboy 24.~


"This is class 13E." He smiled at you, "Shall we go in?" He opened the door waiting for you to walk in. No one was in there, and the chairs were still on the tables. When you walked in the door close behind the two of you.

"Does this class have assigned seats?" You asked as turning around to face him, returning the smile he once had.

Once again he blushed, "No. Not technically. We get groups every now and then though."

"Right, right." You walked over to the window looking upon the big campus. "Sooooo, do you have a favorite movie?"

"Huh? Yeah it's The Bridge to Terabithia and Hardball."

"Whaaaaaat?" You extended that 'a' in the word. "Hardball? You're talking about the baseball movie?" Suna nodded, "I refuse to believe that that's your favorite movie."

"Well it is sweetheart. I like sad movies and shows."

"Apparently. I cried so hard when G-Baby died. I cried when the lil white girl in the bridge to Terabithia died too. But G's death was something else."

"I know right, but I didn't cry when Leslie died. No matter how many times I watch it I just can't."

"That's understandable. I haven't watched either of those movies in a while. We should watch them together sometime." You now had looked all around the classroom some more before you were ready to leave. It was nothing to special. Suna yet again held the door for you like the gentleman he aims to be.

"What's your favorite movie?"

"Hmm... I'd say (f/m) and the princess and the frog."

Suna laughed, " really? The princess and the frog."

"Yes really. I could watch that film for hours on end." You stopped walking, "where to next?"

"I don't know we cleared your schedule." 

You grabbed his hand, pulling him closer to you but not to close. All you wanted to do was close the huge gap between the two of you. Satisfied you let his hand go. "well then show me the places that weren't on my schedule."

"Alright cool."

You continued to walk on ahead but Suna stayed behind. You were right there was no one else in the hallway other than the two of you. Sure a couple of teachers were in their classrooms with students in them but most of their doors were closed. When he saw how far ahead you were he ran after you. He caught up and grabbed your arm to stop you,  "Hold on okay."  You nodded, he let go of your arm and bent down to tie his shoe. Whilst you took your AirPods out your ears and put them away in the case. He stood up dusting himself off, then putting his hand in yours. "Alright beautiful let's go."

It was now you who was blushing.

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