being the Shepherd sister would include..

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(not including Angela in this 🏃‍♀️)

- being just like your brothers

- a messy criminal record like Curly's

- Tim is proud of you for it

- "hey, uh, Y/N?"

- "yeah, Tim?"

- "where'd you get this bracelet?"

- "I swiped it from that jewelry store in town"

- "hm, good choice"

- hanging around the Curtis gang a lot

- when Tim wanders around with them you'll usually tag along

- being close with Dallas

- you two are the same age so you get along really well

- by 'really well' I mean really well

- if you know what I mean

- sneaking out to Buck's parties to see Dallas

- every now and then Tim will already be there and he'll make you walk back home

- "please, Tim, why can't I stay? I'm only lookin' for Dal"

- "you're too young, there's a bunch of creeps here, including him"

- "why do you care?"

- "I'll walk you home, cmon"

- Tim and Curly just being overprotective brothers..

- mostly when it comes to Socs

- but dating?

- just.. no

- Curly is your partner in crime

- literally and figuratively

- when you cause trouble you'll let Curly tag along

- usually he's there just in case you need backup but you guys still have fun

- Tim throws frequent parties at your house

- you'll usually hang out in your room with Curly during them

- "do you hear that?"

- "all I hear is music"

- "I hear moaning!"

- "oh my god! I think they're in your room, Curly!"

- "aw, no!"

- getting to fight in rumbles

- you convinced Tim to let you

- but he makes you stay close to him the whole time

- he doesn't want you to end up like Ponyboy did the last time he fought

- your friends having a crush on Tim

- "Ew! I can't believe you think he's cute"

- "he's dreamy!"

- "that's disgusting"

- they're your brothers and you guys are always looking out for each other

- they won't really admit it, but they love you

- and they'd do anything for their sister

thanks moondemon24 for the request 😌hope you liked this!
Stay Gold!

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