I stared at the files. I was terrified to open them. I sat on the bed and just stared for 30 minutes before I took a sharp breath.
I took the file said said Izzy Anne Platt.
Born June 27th 1921
Weight 7oz
Healthy at birth came in Five days after birth with symptoms of fever, 105.3, and cough. Was diagnosed with a severe case of pneumonia. Started on IV antibiotics and pain medication. Patient declined quickly. Dr. Blanchard did not catch the pneumonia before Izzy was sent home. put in a breathing tube on July 2nd 1921. Breathing tube was in for 4 hours before being taken off. Esme Anne Platt and Dr. Mason who was taking care of Izzy at the time talked about end-of-life care. Decided on comfort medication. Time of death 11:57 am, July second 1921. Izzy was taken down to the morgue later that day. Was found by a nurse 3 hours later alive. Izzy Anne Platt was brought up to the NICU for treatment. Social services were called once we found the mother deceased later that evening. Izzy Anne Platt was adopted by Demetri Peterson once completely recovered from the pneumonia. Two week follow up and repeat x-rays were clear. Got vaccines on 7/28/19217/19/1933
Izzy was came in with four broken metacarples after being in a car accident. Dr. Fleet treated her. Was in a cast for 3 months while the fractures healed. Bone the third metavacarple rebroke while in the cast.7/13/1937
Izzy Anne Plat came with masses in her lugs, Xrays were taken and was determined it was lung cancer. Did 6 months of Chemo and four months of radiation. Izzy Anne Platt and Father Demetri Peterson chose hospice. Izzy Anne Platt died on 12/23/1937
I read it all, everything about me. I never knew how I died, Demeri never told me that I had cancer.
I closed my file and took few deep breaths and opened the file labled Esme Anne Platt.
Esme Anne Platt was born on 3/9/1895. Born healthy with no conditions.
8/7/1911 Esme came in with a broken leg after falling out of a tree. Was inpaitent for 9 days, needed surgery to put pins in. Was treated by Dr. Carlisle Cullen.
I swallowed hard. Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Esme Cullens husband. Oh my god.
I kept reading
6/27/1921 Esme gave birth to a 7 Oz baby Izzy Anne Platt. Stayed in hospital for two days before being released to go home. Three days later Esme Anne Platt came in with her child Izzy Anne Platt. Treated Izzy for pnumona.. Treatment was not succesful. TOD 11:57 7/02/1921
6/27/1921 Esme Anne Platt came in after a suicide attempt. Dr. Carlisle Cullen was treating Esme Anne Platt. Gave IV pain medication and sedatives so the paitent wouldnt refuse treatment. An hour after Esme Anne Platt was brought in Dr. Carlisle Cullen called TOD 7:55pm, 6/27/1921
I closed the file. My mind racing.
Holy fucking shit.
This isnt real. Esme was my mother. She was my biological mother. Her husband turned her after she jumped. I don't know many Carlisle's and Esme's out there so that... this can only mean one thing. She was my mother. How is this even possible? I can't believe it.
My head began to hurt from just thinking about this all. It was such a shock. Esme Cullen is my mother. Is Carlisle my father? It was impossible.
I need to get back to Forks to show Esme. I packed up my bags quickly. I didnt even look for a plane ticket I just ran.
I ended back up at my apartment. I opened my bag and set the files down.
I need to talk to Esme about this. Alone.
I paced for about an hour before I got out my phone and dialed Esmes number.
She picked up on the first ring. "Izzy. Is everything okay?" She asked.
"Yes.... No... I mean I dont know," I said fast.
"Are you in trouble?"
"No... I need to talk to you. Alone please. At my apartment. Please alone," I said.
"Of course Ill be there soon,"
My phone went off. It was Izzy. "Who is it?" Carlisle asked.
"Izzy," I said and answered it. I moved outside to the porch. "Izzy is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yes... no... I dont know," she said fast.
"Are you in trouble?" I asked.
I felt a hand on my back. Carlisle was beside me.
"No... I need to talk to you. Alone please. At my apartment. Please alone," she said.
I looked at Carlisle for a moment. "Of course Ill be there soon," I said. She hung up.
"Do you think she is in danger?" Carlisle asked. "Or..."
"No I dont think she hurt anyone. Ill... Ill be back," I said and headed inside to grab my purse.
"Esme be careful," Jasper said moving over.
"She didnt hurt anyone. I dont think anyway. Ill be fine Jasper," I said touching his shoulder.
He nodded hesitantly. "We can come for back up," he said quietly.
"Jasper I truly dont think she hurt anyone. Maybe she just needs support. Ill be okay, plus Alice would see if anything happened,"
He nodded.
I grabbed my keys and headed to the car. "Love you dear," Carlisle said kissing my forehead.
"Ill call if I need anything," I said.
He nodded. I drove to her apartment and knocked on the door.
IZZY POVI heard a knock and opened the door seeing Esme. I scanned carefully to see if anyone else was near.
"Its just me," Esme said and took my hand.
I nodded.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I dont know, I think Im in shock. Trying to... I dont know," I said to her.
"Okay lets sit down, tell me what happened?"
I looked at her. "Please hear this out. Im going to sound crazy. So please," I said.
She nodded and took my hand.
"I... I think youre my mother, my biological mother," I said.

Esme's Long Lost Daughter
FanfictionEsme Cullen lost her child and took her own life and that was how she met Carlisle. Izzy was found in the morgue 2 days after her death crying. But it was too late. Esme had already had tried to take her own life and was already at Carlisles home tu...