Chapter 23

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Aizawa's hands were trembling. He's been an underground hero for years and faced a lot of dangerous villains. He couldn't count the times he's been injured, nor the times he almost lost his life. This has been his normal the very moment he got his license as a pro-hero. He should be used to the danger of his work. And yet, just the mere idea of his family, his sons and the two additional kids in his care, might be in great danger from the greatest villain of the world, made his heart filled with fear.

"Shinsou Yua's quirk was similar to her son's. The only difference is that in order for her to brainwash a person, she should use that person's name. If All for One is really the one who attacked them and stole the mother's quirk, then he might also target the son," Nedzu explained once more. "That is why we will level up the security of the UA and your house."

"Fat Gum already volunteered to patrol around the area along with the other heroes. We also sent additional protection for Shinsou Yua." Tsukauchi continued, "Do not worry Aizawa. We will do everything we can to keep those kids safe." Aizawa nodded. He took a deep breath to calm himself. The children need him more than ever. He will protect them from the hands of the Silian Group and All for One. He will do everything in his power to not even a single hair of them will be touched. 'And if my life is not enough, I will drag All Might from God knows where to babysit the boys.'

Tenko was glaring at his shoes. He's waiting for Zawa-san to finish his talk with his soon-to-be-teacher. Today is his first day of school and the only one who was excited for it was Izu.

Why did Nedzu-sensei let him go to school and be with other kids? He is fine with just the principal as his tutor. He doesn't need to meet new people. He doesn't want to be around with kids who will bully him for his quirk. He already knew it. He won't have a friend and his classmates will only see him as creepy and a villain and weird and –

"Tenko. Are you ready?" Zawa-san asked. Tenko looked up. "If I said no, can we now go home?" Zawa-san squeezed his hand and knelt down on Tenko's height, "If you're really not ready, we will. I am not going to force you to do something you are not comfortable with, Tenko."

Tenko wanted to go home, but he remembered the excitement of Izu and how Tamaki-kun and Hitoshi-kun wished him luck. He does not want to disappoint them. And if Nedzu-sensei said that he is ready, then he will believe him. "N-no. I will try."

Aizawa smiled. Tenko is progressing well. His therapist even mentioned how his drawings were getting more positive compared from his first session. Although his nightmares still make a visit every now and then, it was getting lesser. "Surrounded by people who accepted him and make him feel safe made a great impact on his progress. He learned that none of you will judge him, and that he could trust you," she stated.

"Here," Aizawa gave Tenko a black watch. "Your Uncle Jima made this for you. If it is getting too much for you to handle, just push the blue button here. It will send me a message that you are not feeling well and I will pick you up as soon as I can. But if it's an emergency, a villain attack for example, or a stranger following you, or if you are hurt, or anything that will make you feel unsafe, push the red button and it will alert all of the UA teachers including Nedzu and I. Okay?"

Tenko nodded. "If it's uncomfortable, blue button. If it's danger, red button." Aizawa smiled once more. "Good." He stood up and straighten himself before leading Tenko inside the campus where the teacher is waiting for them. Tenko sighed. 'Well, this is it. I wished Moja is here with me.'

The first few hours were filled with lessons and that was fine with Tenko. But as soon as the first break rang, he started to feel out of place. No one approached him, nor tried to talk to him. They were just ignoring him. Tenko knew why. 'Because I look creepy.' So, he bowed his head and tried to make himself smaller.

A small group of boys not too far away from him were talking loudly.

"Really? He captured the villain in just two minutes?! I don't believe you!"

"I swear I'm not lying! They even showed it in the news last night!"

"Wow. Endeavor is awesome. Too bad he's just a number 2 hero."

"Hey! Number 2 is not bad! His quirk is badass."

"Well yeah. But he still no better than All Might. If All Might was there, it will end up in just a second."

"Agree. No one is better than All Might. He is the Symbol of Peace. Unlike Endeavor, he just scares everyone."

"Yeah. My little sister even thought he is a villain when we saw him two years ago. If my mom didn't explain to her that Endeavor is the second-best hero after All Might, she will kept on crying."

"Second only to All Might. And yet, he is still trying hard to surpass him. That sounds kinda lame. Hahahahah!" Their laughter was getting louder until it was stopped by a slammed of the classroom door.

Tenko looked at the person who did it. It's a boy with spiky crimson hair and a pair of bright blue eyes. He was glaring at the group of boys. "Shut up!" Every students inside the classroom were surprised. One of the boys walked towards him.

"What's your problem, huh, Todoroki?"

The boy, Todoroki, just kept on glaring at them. "You don't know anything. So, what if he's only rank two. He is still the best hero compared to All Might!"

Everyone paused, then laugh was erupted. "You, you honestly think Endeavor is better than All Might? Are you blind?"

"Hey, Sugie. Maybe he is Endeavor's die-hard fan. Hahahah!"

"Hahahah! Endeavor better than All Might, can you believe that? You must still be dreaming."

"If I were you, find another hero to worship Todoroki. Endeavor is scary. No one would even want to approach him."

"Y-you- " Todoroki's word were cut off when the teacher entered the classroom.

"Okay, class. Break is over. Did no one hear the bell?" Yano-sensei announced. Everyone hurriedly settled down to their respective seats, but Tenko can still hear the others silently laughing at Todoroki.

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