Oliver P.O.V
We heard Ron try to talk to Hermione.
"Mione can we talk?"
"In case it's not clear I don't want to talk to you." She notices all of us listening. Suddenly a blonde girl comes in and sits next to her.
"Hey 'Mione." Hermione looks away and stays silent.
"You can't stay mad at us." I see her make eye contact with the girl and speak.
"Yes I can." She says looking at the two.
"Don't do this 'Mione talk to me." Ron says and Hermione rolls her eyes.
"I am talking fuck off." She rolls her eyes again and turns to face us.
"What did he do?" I hear Harry ask.
"It doesn't matter can we forget about it please." We all nod our heads. I could tell that she really didn't want to talk about what had happened between her and Ron but all of us wanted to know.
"Do any of you want to go to Three Broomsticks?" I ask.
"Sure I'm up for it." Hermione says.
"Can't we're working-" Fred says.
"On new products for pranks." George finishes.
"Me and Harry have plans sorry." Ginny says.
I look to Lee.
"I'm going to head to the library. You two have fun though." I nod. We both stand up and leave the Great Hall. We link arms and head down to Hogsmeade. We walk in an comfortable silence.
"So..." She says trying to start conversation.
"So?" I say and look at her. She sighs.
"Look what happened between me, Ron and Lavender... It's between us and I get that you and the others want to know but I don't know if I'm even ready to talk about it yet."
"Take as much time as ye need lass." She nods.
"Ye know apparently us 6th years are going to have lessons with ye 4th years this year and next year."
"Really who told you that?" She asks and rests her head on my shoulder. I smile.
"Apparently Fred and George Heard McGonagall and Dumbledore talking about it."
"Well apparently we are getting a new teacher this year. Professor Mad-eye Moody."
"Really what lesson is he going to teach?" I ask.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts."
We arrive at Diagon Alley and walk to Three Broomsticks. When we arrive I tell Hermione to find a booth while I get the drinks.
I set the drinks on the table and sit next to her. I turn to face her.
"So what do ye want to talk about lass?"
"Anything." I get an idea.
"You remember how you said if you could do everything over that you'd do it different." She nods.
"We could try to turn that into some sort of poem or song." She smiles.
"That's a great idea but how would it start and what would it be about?" I think about it for a moment.
"What do you want it to be about?" She thinks about it.
"Ok. How about we head back to the castle and work on it?"
"We could work on it in the Room of Requirement."
"The Room of what?" She looks at me confused.
"It's a room in the castle that changes to whatever you want it to be."
She nods her head and we leave Three Broomsticks. When we get back to the castle and head to the Room of Requirement.
Hermione P.O.V
When we entered the Room of Requirement a instruments appeared.
"Wow." I say examining the room. Oliver found a note pad and started writing. I walk up to him and see the lyrics he's started writing.
A/N - I don't own the actual song I just used it. Song credits to the original songwriters Adam Anders, Peer Astrom and Shelly Peiken.
So far he's written:
If I could do it all over, maybe I'd do it different
Maybe I wouldn't be here, in this position.
"That's a good start to the song." I say and take the note pad and wrack my brain for another line. I come up with something and write it down. I write:
I found you then I lost you, looking back is torture
And it hurts to know I let you go, you live right around the corner
Oliver looks at the words we have written down so far and adds something else. He write:True love, I knew I had it
True love, was so hard to find
True love, If I could get it back,
I'd never let it go this time
True love, is an inspiration
True love, it was mine all mine
True love, If I could get it back, I'd never let it go,
I'd never let it go this timeI look at the words and I notice Oliver sit down and play some keys on the piano. I look at him in awe. He stops playing and meets my gaze.
"What?" He smiles at me.
"Nothing." I smile and look down.
"No tell me." He stands up and walks over to me. I look up to see we're face to face with me.
"Nope. You're going to have to catch me." I smirk and back away. He starts chasing me and when I can't see Oliver anywhere, I'm suddenly tackled to the ground with Oliver on top of me smirking.
"Gotcha." He says smirking at me. Our faces are only inches apart. My breathing starts to quicken and my heart starts to race. I can feel Oliver's breath on my face.
"So why were you smiling just before?"
"I was just surprised because I didn't know you played piano." He smirks and is still on top of me.
"There's a lot ye don't know about me."
"Well maybe I'd like to know more about you." His eyes meet mine and he starts to lean in. I do the same when the moment is interrupted by the sound of someone clear their throat. Oliver gets off of me and we both stand up to see Professor Snape stood at the door.
"Granger. Wood. Detention. 8pm. Sharp." He sneers at us before leaving.
When he left me and Oliver meet eyes and burst out laughing. After we manage to console ourselves, I sigh.
"Well I have to admit spending the day with you has really helped me forget about mine and Ron's fight and it's been so much fun to get to know you. We should do this again sometime."
"Aye I would like that a lot." He smiles at me. I smile back.
"I'm going to go to the library I'll see you later?" I ask.
"Aye I'll see ye later." He smiles. I look up at him one last time and smile. I'm about to leave when Oliver pulls me back and kisses me on the cheek.
I blush and give him a small hug before leaving and going to the library. On my way I put my hand on my cheek where Oliver kissed it and smile. I sit in the back of the library and start reading with Oliver on my mind.

My yellow
FanfictionEveryone says that they have a yellow. I never thought I would have one, that is until she came into my life. And before I knew it I was falling. Falling fast and hard. (For the purpose of this story Oliver is in the same year as the twins) Hermion...