While Sam and Deena were inside talking to the police, Josh, Kate, Simon and Daphne were waiting in the stolen ambulance.
"We should not be this close to the police station in a stolen ambulance" Simon stated
"Well that's the whole point" Kate said "we're hiding in plain site"
"Which cause the killer to be able to find and see us easier" Daphne said, which the others chose to ignore
"Yeah, just like Bundy" Said Josh, the three just looked at him confused "....Ted Bundy, when he was stalking his victims, I mean"
"Wasn't he caught though?" Daphne asked, Kate nodded in agreement
"Well, no. Well, yeah, but—" he was then cut off
"Figure this out. I'm going to take a leak" Simon stated starting to walk off before Daphne pulled is shoulder
"We shouldn't be out alone with killers after us" Daphne stated, they agreed
"She's right. Daphne why don't you go with him" Kate smirked
"Yeah... okay" she agreed, walking away with a smirking Simon.
"Hey you okay? You look sick" Simon said from over his shoulder
"Uh yeah I'm fine" she said, rubbing her cold arms.
They both then jumped a bit as a cop car drove from the street next to them, sirens going off. Simon put his 'thing' away and walked over to Daphne.
"You always hurt the one you love.." Daphne heard from behind them, looking around she saw a girl sitting on the side of the road, her head down.
"What the hell?" She said moving from beside Simon and over to her, the girl kept singing not looking up.
"Hey are you okay?" Daphne asked, the girl finally looked up smirking before attacking Daphne to the ground and pulling out a blade
"Simon! Help!" Daphne screamed as she grabbed the girls hand so she didn't get stabbed. But that didn't work all that well as the girl cut Daphnes neck, not enough to kill her, just a small cut
"Daphne I'm coming" she heard Simon say looking over she saw him slowly overnight over to her. As if something was holding him onto the ground, forcing him to stay put. Daphne looked up just as shots were fired right into the girl above her. Blood splattered on Daphne face as she screams pushing the girls, now, dead body off of her.
Simon, finally able to move, ran up to her, holding the scared girl in is arms.
"Come on we have to go" Simon whispered in her ear. She didn't waste a second, pulling Simon with her she ran back to the ambulance followed by Kate, Josh, Sam and Deena.
"It doesn't make sense it's....it's not possible" Sam says. They were not back a Deenas house trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
"Yeah? Well it fucking did Sam" A stressed out sick looking Daphne said
"Amazing observation" Kate said sarcastically
"Now is not the time to be sarcastic, Kate" Daphne said sending a small glare at her best friend
"Who the hell was that?" Deena asked walking up to Daphne
"How the hell should I know?" She asked standing up "I... she...she was hot! I don't know! The bitch seemed normal!"
"Yeah, we'll I hate to break it to you, but normals bitches don't bleed black fucking blood" Deena said as Simon moved over to Daphne.
"Well, she was hot and normal until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade" she yelled, Simon put his arm around the girl, feeling bad for not doing anything sooner.
"Wait. What.... A razor?" Josh asked looking up at Daphne
"Yeah, for like old-timey shaving, or in this case, I guess, slitting her—" Simon answer but was cut off by Josh
"wrist. She slashed her wrist" he said
"What the fuck are you talking about, Josh" Daphne asked
"Was she singing something?" He asked Daphne ignoring her previous question "was she singing a song, like and oldie.... Like an oldie song?"
"Jesus fuck, how do you know this?" Daphne asked furrowing her eyebrows.
Josh slammed a paper on the table everyone was sat around.
"This is Ruby Lane" he said looking at Daphne "the girl who attacked you"
"Holy shit" Simon said turning the paper over to him and Daphne
"She sang as she murdered her boyfriend and friends?" Daphne asked horrified
"Yeah. And then slashed her wrist" Josh answered, Daphne covered her mouth is shock, 'this girl is dead' she thought
"Jesus. Yeah, why didn't I see this on the news?" Kate asked
"Because it happened 30 years ago" answered Josh "1965" he then stood up going over to grab more papers from the wall
"Ruby is one of the Shadyside's killers, just like skull mask" he said, just the thought of him saying the name made Daphne was the throw up "I mean, Ryan Torres."
"Look, 1978. Sixteen years ago. "Masked psycho murders a bunch of kids at-"
"Camp nightwing" Kate interrupted "yeah, my moms sister went there. Screwed my family up for a long time"
"1950, Harry Rooker, local milkman slashed a bunch of housewives. 1934, Humpty Dumpty killer. 1922, Billy Barker. 1904, Grifter guts girls, and on and on. It happens in Shadyside over and over. Normal people turn into psychos."
"Jesus" Simon said pulling out a picture of a man with no eyes "look at this guy"
"I'd rather not" Daphne said quietly, chewing on her nails
"That's the pastor, Cyrus Miller, 1666. He was the first one recorded" Josh said
"Wait. Wasn't that the same year Sarah Fier died?" Daphne asked Josh who nodded. "I've heard about that one. He killed kids and cut out their eyes"
Sam, having heard enough, got up and walked out followed by Deena.
"Umm. Daphne your nose is bleeding again" Kate informed her
"Shit. I'll be right back" she then got up and walked over to the bathroom. Taking a bunch of toilet paper she cleaned off her nose only for it to spread over her face. The door open, Daphne moved over, it open just enough for Simon to walk in.
"Hey you okay?" He asked, a look of worry writen on his face
"Yeah I'm fine, why?" She said trying to wipe the blood of her face. When he saw she was struggling he took the blood covered toilet paper, got it wet, and softly started cleaning the blood off her face
"I don't know, you seem... different" he said making Daphne chuckle
"wow, thanks" she joked making him smile
"I didn't mean it like that. I mean, you nose is bleeding like ever two seconds, you look more pale then usual" he said going back to his concerned look
"I'm fine" she said, but he didn't believe her, he took two fingers under her chin making her look at him.
"You can talk to me you know" he said, she just sighed
"I know, but... I feel like you wouldn't believe me if I told you"
"How come?"
"I saw her.." she said looking him in the eye "I saw Sarah Fier"
"I get it, you don't believe me it's fine I knew-" she was cut off by Simon pressing his lips to hers. And she let him continue to do so, she put her hand on his cheek as his held her waist.
Once they pulled away from the kiss Simon smiled "you didn't let me finished. I do believe you, Daphne"
"I will always believe you"
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈: 1248