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"Hey doll." Standing there with Marco was Troy, holding papers in his hands as Marco smiled brightly at the two. "I didn't know you worked here." Troy was almost shocked, or that is how it came off to Ashley when he smiled curiously at her.

"Uh-Y-Yeah! I do." Ashley was a little bit shocked to see Troy there, in the same building with her. She thought he was nice when they had met, and he was. He was almost overly sweet to her at the hotel and coffee shop. But she hadn't thought she would actually see him again. They messaged a few times but it never really went somewhere.

"I knew you looked familiar the other day Troy, I guessI just didn't see you very clearly at the hotel." Marco chimed in making Troy laugh and smile, his eyes crinkling cutlery as he smiled.

"Yeah, I was debating on actually coming in and saying hi, but you all looked like you were talking about something important so i just left. I didn't really think much of Ashley joining you guys though. Guess I should have."

"You should have said hi to us! I know Billy would have loved to see you before he took a leave." Marco still had an arm looped in Troys, which made Marco pull on Troys arm teasingly with that classic shining smile Marco had.

"Yeah, maybe I'll swing by his place later this week? See the kid he now has too." Shrugging at the thought, Troy laughed a little awkwardly at the thought, though Marco stepped in quickly.

"You should bring Ashley with you, when you go to Billy's. I'm sure they would love to see you as well Ashley!"

Ashley looked back and forth at both boys before realizing they were actually talking about here "O-Oh. Yeah, I mean, if you would want to?" Looking at Troy again, He nodded with another smile at Ashley, making her heart skip a beat for some odd reason.

Troy looked more relieved as Marco slipped off his arm and Ashley offered to go with, or somewhat offered. "Sounds like a plan. It's almost opening, I should really get to my office. I'll talk to you guys later?"

"Of course."

"See ya." Ashley and Marco both said goodbye to Troy though he was only going to his office down the hall. Marco stayed still for a moment before smiling widely at Ashley, his eyebrows wiggling as he tapped on the desk. "So, what do you think of him?"

"What? Troy? He's...nice."

"And cute."

"What?" Stopping whatever she was fiddling with, Ashley choked on air as Marco just stood there.

"Oh come on. I saw you at the hotel, don't think I don't pay attention to people. He was flirting hard, Ashley. He's cute too."


"I don't know-maybe you should go for it?" He made his way to the back where Ashley was standing, sitting in her chair as she turned around pink in the cheeks.


"What? I'm just saying, you aren't with that jackass now, and he's into you. Maybe just look into it?" But-Gabriel...


"Just think about it dear! Love ya!" Running down the hall as Ashley got even more red and stuttered over her words, Marco only laughed and waved leaving the poor girl red in the face as she sat in her chair and covered her face.

And just as luck would have it, Ashley wouldn't get a break with the people around her as someone knocked on her door frame and came in.

"I need you to send these to some clients who owe payments- Are you okay?" It was Gabriel who stood next to her now, setting papers on her desk area as she covered her face. His voice sounded concerned and bland when he spoke, watching her lift her head up and flick her hair back again as she smiled and nodded.


"Yeah, Marco's just being Marco."

"Oh. Yeah. Did you meet Troy?"

"Yes. He's....nice." Ashley just shrugged while she took the papers from Gabriel and looked at them briefly.

"If you say so." He didn't know him well, but Gabriel did know him enough for him to distance himself from Troy. And he also knew that Troy was the one flirting with Ashley at the hotel that one morning. And he surely didn't like that for some reason he couldn't figure out.

He was weary of him just because of that. Suddenly, he didn't want anyone near Ashley for the small fact that she could get hurt again and other reasons.

"Do you...not know him?"

"I know him enough, he's worked for me for a bit now. He won't be here for more than two months, maybe three?"

"But, he works for you."

"That doesn't mean I know all my employees, Ashley. I have at least twelve other Sanctuaries. I hardly know how many people work in each one besides this one, and it's only because I chose to be stationed here."

"But you know the people who work here pretty well." Ashley had thought, so she said it.

"I wouldn't go that far Ashley."

"Well, I think Troy is a nice guy, so take what you will with that. What did you need again?"

"I need these mailed out, there are a few people behind on payments. I need you to shut down their profiles here until I say otherwise too."

"Sure, anything else?"

"Don't get too close with the new guy." With that Gabriel left Ashley sitting there, somewhat dumbfounded at his last few words. Watching him leave while fixing the sleeves on his shirt, Ashley soon looked at the door that opened in the front with a small woman coming, already signing in for an appointment that wasn't for another thirty minutes.

Ashley started to send out emails and canceled clients as people came in and out. . Doing everyday tasks as her day became more and more 'normal'. It made her happy again to just work normally for a day, lord knows she hasn't been able to do that recently, at least no very well.

"Ashley? You wanna get lunch with Danny and I?"

"Hmm?..oh, sure!" She hadn't realized the time that had passed, it was already past noon when Jack came into her area. She had just finished a billing list for clients that took her a solid hour, so saving it and standing was nice.

Jack smiled and nodded telling her they would wait in Danny's car. Reaching for her purse, Ashley looked at her phone quickly before heading for Gabriel's office, knocking and popping her head in which made her smile as the man lifted his head up.

"I-I'm heading out, or was hoping to. Do you need anything else right now?"

"No, I don't."


"Ashley. You do know you can just leave on your breaks, right?"

"Oh...I thought I would ask anyway. Sorry for bugging you then." Gabriel nodded and went back to his computer as she shut the door. You don't bug me when you stick your head in to see me, Dear.

Ashley did usually check in with Gabriel if she was actually leaving the building for a break, though she never thought much of it, Gabriel silently liked it when she would come in and check in.

Running to Danny's car and hopping in the back seat, Ashley smiled and buckled up as Danny sped off, they had close to an hour to go get food somewhere. "So, what is everyone wanting?"

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