Hey, Guys

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Hey guys. Unfortunately (as much as I love these) I'm getting a bit...well, I don't really know how to explain it. I guess I feel like my creativeness, with each chapter, is getting sucked away/out of me. So I would love for you guys to give me some ideas for a new oneshot, or even a few ideas if you're crazy. And if I do take your idea, I will give you total credit (until everyone who takes Phil's ideas like wtf why is it so hard to give someone credit?!?!!?!!?!). I also would prefer it revolving around magic. Dunno why, I just do I guess.

In other news
I was wondering if you Phanny Packs would want me to write a phanfiction anytime soon. If so, I'd also like some ideas for that.

Guys, there are no limitations to these ideas. Dig into the brightest and darkest corners of your mind, and please let me know what you can find. Seriously, I want you guys to exercise your brains and be as creative as possible. I mean that. No matter hero ridiculous or complicated/specific it is, I reeeeeeealy wanna know what you guys can come up with.

Also, I'm working on some stuff in my personal life at the moment that's been hard to go through, but I just go back an read your guys' comments, and then everything seems ok again. So thank you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you, honestly. Leave those comments and keep being you. Seriously if j didn't have you guys, I'd have no friends.


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