This year, winter comes surprisingly early. Flowers and fruits that only blooms and ripen in winter starts to show themselves. The splash of colours contradict beautifully against the piles of white snows. Chimneys start to smoke, indicating that it is currently serving it's purpose. From afar, you can hear children laughing happily in the safety of their backyards and birds flying to find warmer places to live. Immigrating from one place to another in order to keep their food supply enough for everyone in the flock. Its a beautiful sight truly.
For the people of Bolongan Ireng, winter is the only time of the year that they can receive sunlight. It's cruel and irony to be honest, for the most freezing time of the year is the time you can finally live without having to think twice about whether it is day or night. Bolongan Ireng is just a Javanese name for black hole, although the translation are directly made and perhaps losing it's actual meaning. This place, eventhough so far away from the indo-malayan region, has been cursed so many years ago by said ethnic, for deeds that should not be spoken to any living or dead being, because those who are dead has alive ears and they could and would listen to every tidbits of information.
The curse consists of the two big stones that covers the lights from reaching the village. Many efforts has been made for the sole purpose of giving these people sunlight, but alas, even the best of technologies can't fight against the deep hatred that is the root of the curse.
So as people with common sense could think, these peoples adapted to dark surrounding and develop animal evel eyesight that allows them to see in the dark. Not as clear as the day, but enough to live and survive. They also adapted hightened sense of hearing, hypersensitive to smell and very, very pale skin. Deep down they're as human as anyone but their appearence really makes them stands out. Most of these peoples have blue and green eyes that were once brown and yellow, because apparently people with lighter eyes colour have better night vision than dark eyed people.
It's quite make sense to mistaken the people of Bolongan Ireng as vampires.
Cue in Jungkook, the sweet boy that jumped happily in his mother's embrace because this is the first time he is allowed to see the sun. Don't get Mrs. Jeon wrong, she really wanted to show her 6 years-old child the light and sun since he is three years old, but Jungkook's eyes are very sensitive, scratch that, Jungkok is very sensitive child with very hightened sense. Sudden intrusion of light could make him permanently blind and oh, the big doe eyes deserve to see the beauty of his world. So she has been training her child to adapt to light from candles and occasional flashlight in his room to mimick how a daylight would look like.
Now he is ready and excited to see the sun, and Mrs. Jeon secretly pats hersef on her back to praise herself as such a proud, responsible young mom.